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Zeige Ergebnisse 71 bis 80 von 536
  1. Christian K. Bosse; Judith Hoffmann; Ludger van Elst

    Potenzialeinschätzung von Big Data Mining als methodischer Zugang für Foresight

    In: Zeitschrift für Zukunftsforschung, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pages 1-24, Zeitschrift für Zukunftsforschung e.V. 2018.

  2. Christian Bailer; Bertram Taetz; Didier Stricker

    Flow Fields: Dense Correspondence Fields for Highly Accurate Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation

    In: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE, 2018.

  3. Roland Leißa; Klaas Boesche; Sebastian Hack; Arsène Pérard-Gayot; Richard Membarth; Philipp Slusallek; André Müller; Bertil Schmidt

    AnyDSL: A Partial Evaluation Framework for Programming High-Performance Libraries

    In: Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), Vol. 2, No. OOPSLA, Pages 119:1-119:30, ACM, 11/2018.

  4. Ahmed Elhayek; Onorina Kovalenko; Pramod Narasimha Murthy; Jameel Malik; Didier Stricker

    Fully Automatic Multi-person Human Motion Capture for VR Applications

    In: Proceedings of 15th EuroVR International Conference |. EuroVR (EuroVR-2018), October 22-23, London, United Kingdom, Springer International …

  5. Jameel Malik; Ahmed Elhayek; Fabrizio Nunnari; Kiran Varanasi; Kiarash Tamaddon; Alexis Heloir; Didier Stricker

    DeepHPS: End-to-end Estimation of 3D Hand Pose and Shape by Learning from Synthetic Depth

    In: Proceeding of International Conference on 3DVision |. International Conference on 3D Vision (3DVision-2018), September 5-8, Verona, Italy, IEEE …

  6. Hack My Company: An Empirical Assessment of Post-exploitation Behavior and Lateral Movement in Cloud Environments

    In: Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Cybersecurity Conference. Central European Cybersecurity Conference (CECC-2018), November 15-16, …

  7. Raúl Domínguez; Sascha Arnold; Christoph Hertzberg; Arne Böckmann

    Internal Simulation for Autonomous Robot Exploration of Lava Tubes

    In: Automation and Robotics Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control (Hrsg.). ICINCO 2018. International Conference …

  8. Oliver Keszöcze; Kenneth Schmitz; Jens Schloeter; Rolf Drechsler

    Improving SAT solving using Monte Carlo Tree Search-based Clause Learning

    In: 13th International Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWSBP). International Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWSBP-13), September 19-21, Bremen, Germany, …

  9. Kenneth Schmitz; Oliver Keszöcze; Jil Meywerk; Rolf Drechsler

    ConfidenceSat: A Parallel SAT Solver with Conflict Clause Handling

    In: 13th International Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWSBP). International Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWSBP-13), September 19-21, Bremen, Germany, …

  10. Volkan Gezer; Jumyung Um; Martin Ruskowski

    An Introduction to Edge Computing and A Real-Time Capable Server Architecture

    In: International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems (IARIA), Vol. 11, No. 1&2, Pages 105-114, IARIA, 7/2018.