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Displaying results 1231 to 1240 of 13157.
  1. Ariane Ziehn; Christian Mandel; Kathrin Stich; Rolf Dembinski; Karin Hochbaum; Zeuch Steffen; Volker Markl

    IoT-PMA: Patient Health Monitoring in Medical IoT Ecosystems

    In: Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT), Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages 20-31, OJIOT, RonPub UG, Lübeck, 2022.

  2. Oliver Schneider; Bruno Fruchard; Dennis Wittchen; Bibhushan Raj Joshi; Georg Freitag; Donald Degraen; Paul Strohmeier

    Sustainable Haptic Design: Improving Collaboration, Sharing, and Reuse in Haptic Design Research

    In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …

  3. Akhmajon Makhsadov; Donald Degraen; André Zenner; Felix Kosmalla; Kamila Mushkina; Antonio Krüger

    VRySmart: A Framework for Embedding Smart Devices in Virtual Reality

    In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …

  4. Saadullah Amin; Pasquale Minervini; David Chang; Pontus Stenetorp; Günter Neumann

    MedDistant19: Towards an Accurate Benchmark for Broad-Coverage Biomedical Relation Extraction

    In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. International Conference on Computational Linguistics …

  5. Felix Céard-Falkenberg; Konstantin Kuznetsov; Alexander Prange; Michael Barz; Daniel Sonntag

    pEncode: A Tool for Visualizing Pen Signal Encodings in Real-time

    In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence. International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial …

  6. Konstantin Kuznetsov; Michael Barz; Daniel Sonntag

    SpellInk: Interactive correction of spelling mistakes in handwritten text

    In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence. International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial …

  7. Improving Silent Speech BCI Training Procedures through Transfer from Overt to Silent Speech

    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …

  8. BISON: BCI-Based Interaction Concepts for Operating Microscopes in Neurosurgery

    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering. IEEE …

  9. Classifying Words in Natural Reading Tasks Based on EEG Activity to Improve Silent Speech BCI Training in a Transfer Approach

    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering. IEEE …

  10. Claudia Engelhardt; Katarzyna Biernacka; Aoife M Coffey; Ronald Cornet; Alina Danciu; Yuri Demchenko; Stephen Downes; Christopher Erdmann; Federica Garbuglia; Kerstin Germer; Margareta Hellström; Kristina Hettne; Dawn Hibbert; Mijke Jetten; Yulia Karimova; Karsten Kryger Hansen; Mari Elisa Kuusniemi; Viviana Letizia; Valerie McCutcheon; Barbara McGillivray; Jenny Ostrop; Britta Petersen; Ana Petrus; Stefan Reichmann; Najla Rettberg; Carmen Reverté; Nick Rochlin; Bregt Saenen; Birgit Schmidt; Jolien Scholten; Hugh Shanahan; Armin Straube; Veerle Van den Eynden; Justine Vandendorpe; Shanmugasundaram Venkataram; Cord Wiljes; Ulrike Wuttke; Joanne Yeomans; Biru Zhou

    How to be FAIR with your data - A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions

    In: Raisa Barthauer; Yuri Demchenko; Claudia Engelhardt; Federica Garbuglia; Kerstin Germer; Margareta Hellström; Valerie McCutcheon; Hugh Shanahan; …