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Artificial intelligence is the key technology for mobility concepts of the future. Tomorrow's mobility will be characterized by vehicles and infrastructure with ever higher levels of automation and networking, as well as learning systems that increase traffic safety and optimize traffic flows. Context-sensitive, multimodal interfaces and intelligent sensor systems for interaction between vehicles and their occupants or with the environment, as well as communication, control and analysis systems for elementary data flows and their safety, are just as important for this.


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  1. RoX - Verbundprojekt: Digitales Ökosystem für Kl-basierte Robotik (RoX) - Teilvorhaben: Nutzung von Kl-Methoden zur Optimierung von robotischen Fähigkeiten

    In September 2024, the joint project "RoX," funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), officially started. The goal of the project is to establish a digital…

  2. RIG - Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, national joint project of robotics research in Germany, coordinated by TU Munich

    The Robotics Institute Germany is an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and…

  3. KI4KL - KI für Kommunale Leistungen

    In Antwort auf die Ausschreibung Nr. 10/4.1-2023-0335 der Stadt Gelsenkirchen hat die Westfälische Hochschule ein Angebot „für den Aufbau und Betrieb eines Anwendungszentrums Künstliche Intelligenz…

  4. EVIDENT - Erforschung vertrauenswürdiger KI-Ansätze zur Verlängerung der Lebensdauer von Elektrofahrzeug-Akkus im Kontext der Routenoptimierung

    Das Projekt untersucht den Einsatz fortschrittlicher KI zur Verbesserung der Disposition und Routenoptimierung, indem es die Grenzen konventioneller Einzelpunktprognosen durch…

  5. FAIRe_RIC - Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe aims to develop resource-limited AI for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and edge devices. The development approach should extend comprehensively from the application layer to the…

  6. BERTHA - BEhavioural Replication of Human drivers for CCAM

    The Horizon Europe project BERTHA kicked off on November 22nd-24th in Valencia, Spain. The project has been granted €7,981,799.50 from the European Commission to develop a Driver Behavioral Model…

  7. 5G-ADirI - Automatisierung und Digitalisierung der regulatorischen Interaktionen für die Bereitstellung und den Betrieb von privaten 5G Netzen

    For the approval of 5G licenses from the private spectrum, applicants must go through various processes, which is usually done by submitting forms and subsequent manual processing.

    manual processing.…

  8. XAI4SFAS - Intelligentes Assistenzsystem für die teilautonome Schiffsführung


    marinom GmbH

    Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth


  9. dAIEDGE - A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge

    The dAIEDGE Network of Excellence (NoE) seeks to strengthen and support the development of the dynamic European cutting-edge AI ecosystem under the umbrella of the European AI Lighthourse and to…

  10. PaSVer - Powerful design tool for novel automotive electronics

    The automotive industry in Germany is undergoing major changes. Car manufacturers have to combine more and more software and hardware to enable autonomous driving and electromobility. The high…