

Hrvoje Benko is a senior researcher at Adaptive Systems and Interaction

at Microsoft Research. His research is on novel surface computing

technologies and their impact on human-computer interaction. Hrvoje

Benko received his PhD at Columbia University, working on augmented reality projects that combine immersive experiences with interactive

tabletops. His projects explore new form factors for surface computing, multi-touch and freehand gestural input, 2D and 3D interactions, and augmented reality. Dr. Benko serves on the program committees for ACM

UIST 2010, ACM ITS 2010, ICMI-MLMI 2010 and IEEE 3DUI 2010.


Hrvoje Benko <t3D sig, T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi>

Florian Daiber is a researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). His research interests are intelligent user interfaces with special consideration of multi-touch interaction. Since 2010 Florian Daiber is member of DFKI and mainly involved in the interscopic Multi-touch Surfaces (iMUTS)-project. Florian Daiber has a strong interest in stereoscopic tabletop interaction, organized the CHI SIG Touching the 3rd Dimension and was also involved in the follow-up CHI workshop “The 3rd dimension of CHI (3DCHI)” and the Dagstuhl Seminar “Touching the 3rd dimension” and is running the community webseite, facebook, and twitter.

Florian DAiber <t3D sig, T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi, ISIS3d>

Daniel Keefe  is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota. His research explores novel computer graphics and interactive techniques for multidimensional datasets. His current projects include medical device simulation and design, surgical training, experimental biomechanics, virtual archeology, and visual art. He has served on program committees for leading conferences in his field. He received the Ph.D. in computer science from Brown University in 2007, where his work was nominated for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Daniel Keefe <t3D sig, T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi>

Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière is head of the Immersion Research and Development team. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the

University of Bordeaux (2005). His research interests include interaction

with and visualization of 3D environments, and he explores how those topics can benefit from the strengths of technologies such  as tactile input. As a company, Immersion team is dedicated to develop relevant 3D visualization and interaction techniques. Jean-Baptiste is an active member of the national research projects selection committee, and his team is taking part in many major French and European collaborative research projects.

Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière <t3D sig, T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi>

Frank Steinicke is a professor in Computer Science in Media at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg and chair of the Immersive Media Group. Since 2012 he is the director of the newly founded interdisciplinary Institute for Human Computer Media. His research is driven by understanding the human perceptual, cognitive and motoric skills and limitations in order to reform the interaction as well as the experience in computer-mediated realities. Frank Steinicke regularly serves as panelist and speaker at major events in the area of virtual reality and human-computer interaction. The results of his work have been published and presented in several international conferences and journals including CHI, SIGGRAPH, VR, ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, and many others. Furthermore, he is on the IPC of various national and international conferences and currently co-chair of ACM SUI 2013, GI VR/AR 2013, and IEEE 3DUI 2014.

Frank Steinicke <t3D sig, T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi, ISIS3D>

Bruno R. de Araújo is a PhD Student at the Instituto Superior Tecnico from the Technical University of Lisbon and is recently a researcher at the MINT group from INRIA Lille. He was a researcher at INESC-ID and the Visualization and Intelligent MultiModal Interfaces Group. He participated on several European Research Projects such as SMARTSKETCHES, IMPROVE, MAXIMUS and SATIN researching advanced interaction techniques for 3D surfacing using Calligraphic interfaces and innovative interfaces for immersive and mixed reality combining interactive tabletops and large scale displays. He is interested in large scale display based visualization using PC cluster and multi-projector systems, and participated in design of tiled display visualization infrastructure for the LEME (Laboraty in Mobility and Excellence) at IST. He presented several tutorials about designing multi-projector VR systems at both IEEE VR and Eurographics conferences. Currently, he is finishing his PhD on semi-immersive environments for 3D modeling and collaborated on several Portuguese FCT projects (VIZIR,CEDAR,MIVIS) and the ANR French project (Instinct) regarding innovative interfaces for stereoscopic interactive surfaces.

Bruno R. de Araújo <ISIS3D>

Dr. Stürzlinger is a leading researcher in three-dimensional user interfaces and virtual reality, and also very active in human-computer interaction. He graduated with a Doctorate in Computer Science from the Technical University in Vienna, Austria in 1993. Supported by an Erwin-Schrödinger fellowship Dr. Stürzlinger visited the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill in 1997. In 1998, Dr. Stürzlinger was appointed to the Department of Computer Science at York University in Toronto, Canada. There, he is a full professor and a member of the interdisciplinary Centre for Vision Research (CVR) as well as the graduate program in Psychology. Dr. Stürzlinger is a member of the GRAND NCE (Graphics, Animation and New Media Network of Centres of Excellence), where he also serves on the board of directors, a journal editorial board, and numerous international program committees. He has been a program chair for several international scientific events. He is an author of more than a dozen patents and has participated in multiple start-ups. Dr. Stürzlinger has supervised more than 35 graduate students to completion and published more than 100 refereed scientific papers.

Wolfgang Stützlinger <ISIS3D>

Antonio Krüger is a professor in Computer Science at Saarland University, and Scientific Director of Innovative Retail Laboratory (IRL) at DFKI, since 10/2009. From 2004 until 2009 he was a professor for Geoinformatics and Computer Science at the University of Münster. Antonio Krüger has served as conference and workshop co-chair as well as program committee member of relevant major conferences. In 2000 he co-founded the high-tech spin-off Eyeled GmbH, a company focusing on software for mobile and ubiquitous computing solutions.

Antonio Krüger <T3D Dagstuhl, 3Dchi>