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Zeige Ergebnisse 101 bis 110 von 599
  1. Alexander David; Max Birtel; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski

    Architecture Concept for the Integration of Cyber-Physical Transport Modules in modular production environments

    In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, Pages 1111-1116, Elsevier, 2020.

  2. Max Birtel; Martin Ruskowski

    Developing and implementing human-centered information services in a modular production environment

    In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, Pages 592-597, Elsevier, 2020.

  3. Max Birtel; William Motsch; Jens Popper; Martin Ruskowski

    Method for the development of an Asset Administration Shell in a product-driven modular production – realizing an active digital object memory

    In: Proceedings 2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS). IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems …

  4. Kai von Szadkowski; Simon Reichel

    Phobos: A tool for creating complex robot models

    In: Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 5, No. 45, Page 1326, 5(45), 1326, The Open Journal, 1/2020.

  5. Annalisa Santolamazza; Corrado Groth; Vito Introna; Stefano Porziani; Francesco Scarpitta; Giorgio Urso; Pier Paolo Valentini; Emiliano Costa; Edoardo Ferrante; Stefano Sorrentino; Biagio Capacchione; Michel Rochette; Simon Bergweiler; Valerie Poser; Marco E. Biancolini

    A Digital Shadow cloud-based application to enhance quality control in manufacturing

    In: Rolf Findeisen; Sandra Hirche; Klaus Janschek; Martin Mönnigmann (Hrsg.). 21th IFAC World Congress. World Congress of the International Federation …

  6. Künstliche Intelligenz und menschliche Nutzung – eine subjektive Begriffsbestimmung

    In: Martin Heger. Jahrbuch 2017/2018 der Berliner Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Pages 54-57, Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. 2020.

  7. Julia Krüger; Sandra Schultz; Heinz Handels; Jan Ehrhardt

    Registration with probabilistic correspondences - Accurate and robust registration for pathological and inhomogeneous medical data

    In: N. Paragios; B. Caputo; G. Hua; R. Vidal (Hrsg.). Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 190, Pages 1-15, Elsevier, 2020.

  8. Timo Kepp; Helge Sudkamp; Claus von der Burchard; Hendrik Schenke; Peter Koch; Gereon Hüttmann; Johann Roider; Mattias P Heinrich; Heinz Handels

    Segmentation of retinal low-cost optical coherence tomography images using deep learning

    In: Horst K. Hahn; Maciej A. Mazurowski (Hrsg.). Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. SPIE Medical Imaging, located at SPIE medical …

  9. Aaron Carass; Snehashis Roy; Adrian Gherman; Jacob C Reinhold; Andrew Jesson; Tal Arbel; Oskar Maier; Heinz Handels; Mohsen Ghafoorian; Bram Platel; others

    Evaluating white matter lesion segmentations with refined Sørensen-Dice analysis

    In: Richard White; Giampiero Accardo; Rafal Marszalek; Christian Matheou; Eve Rooks; Elizabeth Mann; Madushi Wanaguru; Silvia Butera; Antonia …

  10. Marja Fleitmann; Kira Soika; Andreas Stroth; Jan Gerlach; Alexander Fürschke; Peter Hunold; Jörg Barkhausen; Arpad Bischof; Heinz Handels

    Computer-Assisted Quality Assessment of Aortic CT Angiographies for Patient-Individual Dose Adjustment

    In: Studies in health technology and informatics, Vol. 270, Pages 123-127, IOS Press, 6/2020.