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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 527
  1. Benjamin Tag; Christian Holz; Paul Lukowicz; Olivier Augereau; Yuji Uema; Kai Kunze

    Eyewear 2018: Second workshop on eyewear computing

    In: ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC-2018), ACM, 2018.

  2. Andrzej Nowak; Paul Lukowicz; Pawel Horodecki

    Assessing Artificial Intelligence for Humanity: Will AI be the Our Biggest Ever Advance? or the Biggest Threat [Opinion]

    In: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 4, Pages 26-34, IEEE, 12/2018.

  3. Paul Lukowicz; Jörn Schmeißing

    Smart Device Stealing and CANDIES

    In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2018), …

  4. Junaid Younas; Stefan Fritsch; Gerald Pirkl; Sheraz Ahmed; Muhammad Imran Malik; Faisal Shafait; Paul Lukowicz

    What Am I Writing: Classification of On-Line Handwritten Sequences

    In: Ioannis Chatzigiannakis; Yoshito Tobe; Paulo Novais; Oliver Amft (Hrsg.). Intelligent Environments 2018 - Workshop Proceedings of the 14th …

  5. Jonas Auda; Matthias Hoppe; Orkhan Amiraslanov; Bo Zhou; Pascal Knierim; Stefan Schneegass; Albrecht Schmidt; Paul Lukowicz

    Lyra: smart wearable in-flight service assistant

    In: ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC-2018), ACM, 2018.

  6. Arnold Herget; Stephan Weyer; Max Birtel; Martin Ruskowski

    Blockchain in der Produktion

    In: atp edition - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (ATP), Vol. 60, Pages 1-9, Deutscher Industrieverlag, 6/2018.

  7. Jeyhun Karimov; Tilmann Rabl; Volker Markl

    PolyBench: The First Benchmark for Polystores

    In: Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for the Era of Artificial Intelligence - 10th TPC Technology Conference. Technology Conference on …

  8. Blockchain - Anwendungsfelder im Steuerbereich

    In: Carmen Bachmann; Peter Essers; Andreas Hoyer; Robert Risse; Roman Seer (Hrsg.). Tax & Legal Excellence (TLE), Vol. 29, Pages 1-1, Excellence Media …