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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 182
  1. Towards an Integration of Business Process Modeling and Object-Oriented Software Development

    In: Ion Ivan; Ion Gh. Rosca (Hrsg.). Information Society - The Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Economic Informatics - IE 2001, …

  2. Erica Melis; Jochen Büdenbender; Giorgi Goguadze; Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich

    Knowledge Representation and Management in ActiveMath

    In: LLWA - Tagungsband der GI-Workshopwoche "Lernen - Lehren - Wissen - Adaptivität". GI-Workshop-Tage "Lernen, Wissen, Adaption" (LWA), Pages …

  3. Michael Kruppa

    ARREAL- A mobile pedestrian navigation System built from standard hardware components

    Mastersthesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2001.

  4. Valia Kordoni

    Optimal Linking for Modern Greek Psych Verb Constructions

    In: Miriam Butt; Tracy Holloway King (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference. International Lexical …

  5. Valia Kordoni

    Linking Experiencer-Subject Psych Verb Constructions in Modern Greek

    In: Daniel Flickinger; Andreas Kathol (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. International …

  6. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Approximating Context-Free by Rational Transduction for Example-Based MT

    In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter, Workshop proceedings: Data-Driven Machine Translation, July …

  7. Stefan Müller

    Case in German - Towards an HPSG-Analysis

    In: Tibor Kiss; Detmar Meurers (Hrsg.). Constraint-Based Approaches to Germanic Syntax. Pages 217-255, Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, Vol. 7, …

  8. Mehryar Mohri; Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Regular Approximation of Context-Free Grammars through Transformation

    In: Jean-Claude Junqua; Gertjan van Noord (Hrsg.). Robustness in Language and Speech Technology. Pages 153-163, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, …

  9. Anette Frank

    Treebank Conversion. Converting the NEGRA treebank to an LTAG grammar

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis. Eurolan Summer Schools (Eurolan-2001), Iasi, Romania, 2001.

  10. Anette Frank; Josef A. van Genabith

    LL-based Semantics for LTAG - and what it teaches us about LFG and LTAG

    In: Miriam Butt; Tracy Holloway King (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the LFG 2001 Conference. International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG), Hong …