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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 572
  1. Marko Brunzel

    Ontology Learning from semi-structured Web documents

    PhD-Thesis, DFKI, 2010.

  2. Stefan Nürnberger; Thomas Feller; Sorin A. Huss

    Ray - A Secure Microkernel Architecture

    In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust. IEEE International Conference on Privacy Security and Trust …

  3. Dimitra Tsovaltzi; Bruce McLaren; Erica Melis; Ann-Kristin Thurner; Michael Dietrich; Giorgi Goguadze

    Learning from Erroneous Examples

    In: Vincent Aleven; Judy Kay; Jack Mostow (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Bridges to …

  4. Dimitra Tsovaltzi; Bruce McLaren; Erica Melis; Ann-Kristin Thurner; Michael Dietrich; Giorgi Goguadze

    Learning from Erroneous Examples: When and how do students benefit from them?

    In: Vania Dimitrova; Paul A. Kirschner; Stefanie N. Lindstaedt; Maren Scheffel; Martin Wolpers (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on …

  5. Ingmar Steiner

    Observations on the dynamic control of an articulatory synthesizer using speech production data

    PhD-Thesis, Saarland University, SciDok, 8/2010.

  6. Paul Lukowicz; Oliver Amft; Daniel Roggen; Jingyuan Cheng

    On-Body Sensing: From Gesture-Based Input to Activity-Driven Interaction

    In: IEEE Computer, Vol. 43, No. 10, Pages 92-96, IEEE, 2010.

  7. Jingyuan Cheng; Oliver Amft; Paul Lukowicz

    Active Capacitive Sensing: Exploring a New Wearable Sensing Modality for Activity Recognition

    In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing. International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive-10), 8th, May …

  8. Hans Gellersen; Paul Lukowicz; Michael Beigl; Till Riedel

    Cooperative Relative Positioning

    In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 9, No. 4, Pages 78-89, IEEE Educational Activities Department, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2010.

  9. Marc Seissler; Ines Dahmann; Peter Stephan; Jochen Schlick

    Bridging the Gap between Digital Object Memory Information and Its Binary Representation

    In: Michael Schneider; Alexander Kröner; Peter Stephan; Thomas Plötz; Fahim Kawsar; Gerd Kortuem (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the DOME-IoT: International …