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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 256
  1. Tania Avgustinova; Hans Uszkoreit

    Reconsidering the relations in constructions with non-verbal predicates

    In: Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics. Contributions of the Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages. Pages …

  2. Tania Avgustinova; Hans Uszkoreit

    Towards a typology of agreement phenomena

    In: The Role of Agreement in Natural Language. TLS 5 Proceedings. Texas Linguistic Society, 2003.

  3. Tania Avgustinova

    Russian infinitival existential constructions from an HPSG perspective

    In: Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics. Pages 461-482, Vol. Linguistik International: Band 10 (Part II), Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der …

  4. Tania Avgustinova

    Metagrammar of systematic relations: a study with special reference to Slavic morphosyntax

    In: Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information. Pages 1-24, Vol. Interface Explorations: Band 7, Mouton de Gruyter, 2003.

  5. Jakub Piskorski; Tilman Jäger; Feiyu Xu

    A Parametrizable Task-adaptive Named-Entity Recognition System

    In: H.-M. Haav; A. Kalja (Hrsg.). Databases and Information Systems II, Selected Papers from the 5th International Baltic Conference DB&IS'2002. ISBN …

  6. Alexander Maedche; Günter Neumann; Steffen Staab

    Bootstrapping an Ontology-based Information Extraction System.

    In: Piotr S. Szczepaniak; Javier Segovia; Janusz Kacprzyk; Lotfi A. Zadeh (Hrsg.). Intelligent Exploration of the Web. Pages 345-359, Studies in …

  7. Giorgi Goguadze; Erica Melis; Viktor Izhutkin; Y. Isulanov

    Interactively Learning Operations Research Methhods with ActiveMath

    In: H.G.Bock; W. Domschke; R. Fahrion; M. Juenger; H. Kogelschatz; G.D. Liesegang; G. Reinelt; F. Rendl; G. Waescher (Hrsg.). Operations Research …

  8. Giorgi Goguadze; Erica Melis; Carsten Ullrich; Paul Cairns

    Problems and Solutions for Markup for Mathematical Examples and Exercises

    In: A. Asperti; B. Buchberger; J. H. Davenport (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management. …

  9. Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich; Stefan Winterstein

    An Efficient Presentation-Architecture for Personalized Content

    In: R. Tolksdorf; R. Eckstein (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Berliner XML Tage 2003. Berliner XML Tage, Pages 379-388, 2003.

  10. Erica Melis; Eric Andres

    Global Feedback in ActiveMath

    In: Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (eLearn-2003). World Conference on …