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Zeige Ergebnisse 91 bis 100 von 599
  1. Nurten Öksüz-Köster; Wolfgang Maaß

    Data-Driven System for Treatment of Obese Children in Rural Areas

    In: International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile …

  2. Nurten Öksüz-Köster; Hafiza Erum Manzoor; Amin Harig; Wolfgang Maaß

    A ML-based Smart Retail Service Prototype using Biosignals

    In: Workshop on Information Technology and Systems. Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS-2020), December 16-18, Hyderabad/Virtual, …

  3. Nurten Öksüz-Köster; Wolfgang Maaß

    A Situation-Specific Smart Retail Service Based On Vital Signs

    In: A Situation-Specific Smart Retail Service Based On Vital Signs. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 41th, December 13-16, …

  4. Peter Bourgonje; Anna Breit; Maria Khvalchik; Victor Mireles; Julian Moreno Schneider; Artem Revenko; Georg Rehm

    Automatic Induction of Named Entity Classes from Legal Text Corpora

    In: Manolis Koubarakis; Harith Alani; Grigoris Antoniou; Kalina Bontcheva; John Breslin; Diego Collarana; Elena Demidova; Stefan Dietze; Simon …

  5. Research for CULT Committee. The use of Artificial Intelligence in the Audiovisual Sector

    European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, 5/2020.

  6. Xiaotong Cui; Samah Mohamed Saeed; Alwin Zulehner; Robert Wille; Kaijie Wu; Rolf Drechsler; Ramesh Karri

    On the Difficulty of Inserting Trojans in Reversible Computing Architectures

    In: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Vol. 8, No. 4, Pages 960-972, IEEE, 2020.

  7. Birgit Beck; Stefan Bauberger; Aljoscha Burchardt; Peter Remmers

    21 Ethische Fragen der Künstlichen Intelligenz

    In: Günther Görz; Ute Schmid; Tanya Braun. Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Pages 907-934, De Gruyter, 2020.

  8. Stefan Borgwardt; Anke Hirsch; Alisa Kovtunova; Frederik Wiehr

    In the Eye of the Beholder: Which Proofs are Best?

    In: Stefan Borgwardt; Thomas Meyer (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020). International Workshop on …

  9. Christoph Tholen; Robin Rofallski; Lars Nolle; Tarek Elmihoub; Iain Parnum; Oliver Zielinski

    On the localization of artificial submarine groundwater discharge sites using a low-cost multi-sensor-platform

    In: Global Oceans 2020: Singapore - U.S. Gulf Coast. OCEANS MTS/IEEE Conference (OCEANS-2020), October 5-14, Virtual, ISBN 978-1-7281-5446-6 …

  10. K-mer Neural Embedding Performance Analysis Using Amino Acid Codons

    In: 2020 International Joint Conference onNeural Networks (IJCNN). International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2020), July 19-24, …