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Zeige Ergebnisse 61 bis 70 von 327
  1. Dirk Werth

    E-Government Interoperability

    In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Pages 985-989, Idea Group Inc. Hershey et al. 2005.

  2. Fabrice Zangl; Dirk Werth; Otmar Adam

    Providing Pan-European Public Services through an Interoperability Architecture

    In: OBSERVATORY ON INTEROPERABLE eGOVERNMENT SERVICES - eGov-Interop'05 Annual Conference, Geneva (Switzerland). eGov Interop Annual Conference, …

  3. Berthold Crysmann

    An Inflectional Approach to Hausa Final Vowel Shortening

    In: Yearbook of Morphology 2004. Pages 73-112, Springer, 2005.

  4. Christoph Lampert

    Boundary Regularity Of Admissible Operators

    In: Publicacions Matematiques, Vol. 49, Pages 179-195, Publicacions Matematiques, 2005.

  5. John Kelleher; Fintan Costello

    Cognitive Representations of Projective Prepositions

    In: Valia Kordoni; Aline Villavicencio (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd ACL-Sigsem Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use …

  6. Non-manifold Mesh Extraction from Segmented Volumes used for Modelling a Human Heart

    In: Proceedings of EUR OGRAPHICS - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2005. Eurographics (EG), 2005.

  7. Eric Ras; Martin Memmel; Stephan Weibelzahl

    Integration of E-Learning and Knowledge Management - Barriers, Solutions and Future Issues

    In: Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Andreas Dengel; Ralph Bergmann; Markus Nick; Thomas Roth-Berghofer (Hrsg.). Professional Knowledge Management. Pages …

  8. David Aspinall; Christoph Lüth; Burkhart Wolff

    Assisted Proof Document Authoring

    In: Michael Kohlhase (Hrsg.). 4th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2005). International Conference on Mathematical …

  9. Martin Homik; Andreas Meier

    Designing a Proof GUI for Non-Experts -- Evaluation of an Experiment

    Seki Report, Vol. SR-01-05, 2005.