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Zeige Ergebnisse 111 bis 120 von 533
  1. Oleg Rostanin; Heiko Maus; Yingyan Zhang; Takeshi Suzuki; Kaoru Maeda

    Lightweight Conceptual Modeling and Concept-based Tagging for Proactive Information Delivery

    Ricoh Co. Ltd, Ricoh Technical Report (RTR), Vol. 35, 12/2009.

  2. Manuel Alcántara-Plá; Thierry Declerck (Hrsg.)

    Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language

    International Workshop on the Semantic Representation of Spoken Language (SRSL-09), located at 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the …

  3. Alexis Heloir; Michael Kipp

    Embr - a realtime animation engine for interactive embodied agents

    In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA-2009), …

  4. G. Friedland; O. Vinyals; Y Huang; Christian Müller

    Fusion Of Short Term And Long Term Features For Improved Speaker Diarization

    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …

  5. Andrei Popescu-Belis; Jean Carletta; Jonathan Kilgour; Peter Poller

    Accessing a Large Multimodal Corpus Using an Automatic Content Linking Device

    In: Michael Kipp; J.-C. Martin; P. Paggio; D. Heylen (Hrsg.). Multimodal Corpora: From Models of Natural Interaction to Systems and Applications. …

  6. José de Gea Fernández; Johannes Lemburg; Thomas M. Roehr; Malte Wirkus; Iliya Gurov; Frank Kirchner

    Design and Control of an Intelligent Dual-Arm Manipulator for Fault-Recovery in a Production Scenario

    In: ETFA'09 Proceedings of the 14th IEEE international conference on Emerging technologies & factory automation. IEEE International Conference on …

  7. Jakob Schwendner; Felix Grimminger; Sebastian Bartsch; Thilo Kaupisch; Mehmed Yüksel; Andreas Bresser; Joel Bessekon; Alexander Dieterle; Steffen Schmidt; Michael Seydel; Frank Kirchner

    CESAR: A lunar crater exploration and sample return robot

    In: Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-09), October 10-15, St. Louis, MO, USA, …

  8. Tim Laue; Thijs Jeffry de Haas; Armin Burchardt; Colin Graf; Thomas Röfer; Alexander Härtl; Andrik Rieskamp

    Efficient and Reliable Sensor Models for Humanoid Soccer Robot Self-Localization

    In: Changjiu Zhou; Enrico Pagello; Emanuele Menegatti; Sven Behnke; Thomas Röfer (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Humanoid Soccer …

  9. Colin Graf; Alexander Härtl; Thomas Röfer; Tim Laue

    Robust Closed-Loop Gait for the Standard Platform League Humanoid

    In: Changjiu Zhou; Enrico Pagello; Emanuele Menegatti; Sven Behnke; Thomas Röfer (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Humanoid Soccer …

  10. Michael Kipp; J.-C. Martin

    Gesture and Emotion: Are handedness and hand-shape discriminative features of emotions?

    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Affective Computation and Intelligent Interaction. IEEE International Conference on Affective …