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Zeige Ergebnisse 101 bis 110 von 182
  1. Jörg Ackermann; Frank Brinkop; Stefan Conrad; Peter Fettke; Andreas Frick; Ulrich Klein; Otto Kotlar; Peter Loos; Erich Ortner; Stephan Sahm; Andreas Schmietendorf; Klaus Turowski

    Memorandum zur Vereinheitlichung der Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten (Version vom 16.7.2001)


  2. A Pragmatic Approach to Reuse in Tactical Theorem Proving

    In: Maria Paola Bonacina; Bernhard Gramlich (Hrsg.). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 58, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001.

  3. Mertin Bertram; Hans Hagen

    Subdivision surfaces for scattered-data approximation

    In: Data Visualization 2001 (Proceedings of Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2001), Ebert, Favre, Peikert (Hrsg.), Springer …

  4. Mertin Bertram; David Laney; Marc Duchaineau; Charles Hansen; Bernd Hamann; Kenneth Joy

    Wavelet Representation of Contour Sets

    In: Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, Ertl, Joy, Varshney (Hrsg.), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2001,. IEEE Visualization …

  5. Hans Hagen; G. Scheuermann

    Clifford Algebra and Flows

    In: Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Oslo 2000, Lyche, Schumaker (Hrsg.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, USA, 2001,. Pages …

  6. Michael Münchhofen; Hans Hagen; Inga Scheler; Kai Hergenröther

    Diversified visualisation from www to VR,

    In: International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Architecture, Dublin, 2001. International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Architecture, 2001.

  7. Eric Schwarzkopf

    An Adaptive Web Site for the UM2001 Conference

    In: Machine Learning for User Modeling (ML4UM) 2001. Machine Learning for User Modeling (ML4UM), 2001.

  8. Jörg Baus; Hubert Zimmer; Harry Speiser; Antonio Krüger

    Critical Features for the Selection of Verbal Descriptions for Path Relations

    In: Cognitive Processing, Vol. 2, Pages 389-411, 2001.

  9. Ralph Schäfer; Liliana Ardissono; Alexander Felfernig; Gerhard Friedrich; Dietmar Jannach; Markus Zanker

    Customer-Adaptive and Distributed Online Product Configuration in the CAWICOMS Project.

    In: Proceedings of IJCAI-01 Workshop on Configuration (held in conjunction with the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial …