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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 536
  1. Jana Koehler

    Business Process Innovation with Artificial Intelligence: Levering Benefits and Controlling Operational Risks

    In: European Business & Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 55-66, Science Publishing Group, New York, 3/2018.

  2. Marco Ehrlich; Dennis Krummacker; Christoph Fischer; René Guillaume; Santiago Soler Perez Olaya; Ansah Frimpong; Hermann de Meer; Martin Wollschlaeger; Hans D Schotten; Jürgen Jasperneite

    Software-defined networking as an enabler for future industrial network management

    In: 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE International Conference on Emerging …

  3. Santiago Soler Perez Olaya; Martin Wollschlaeger; Dennis Krummacker; Christoph Fischer; Hans D Schotten; René Guillaume; Joachim W Walewski; Norman Franchi

    Communication abstraction supports network resource virtualisation in automation

    In: 2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2018), …

  4. Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki; Daniel Stein; Andreas Witt (Hrsg.)

    Language Technologies for a Multilingual Europe

    Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing, ISBN 978-3-946234-73-9, 978-3-946234-77-7, Language Science Press, Berlin, 6/2018.

  5. Visual Search Target Inference Using Bag of Deep Visual Words

    In: Frank Trollmann; Anni-Yasmin Turhan (Hrsg.). KI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 41st German Conference on AI. German Conference on …

  6. Human motion capturing and activity recognition using wearable sensor networks

    In: Athanasios Karafillidis; Robert Weidner (Hrsg.). Developing Support Technologies. Pages 191-206, Springer, 2018.

  7. Martin Janicke; Viktor Schmidt; Bernhard Sick; Sven Tomforde; Paul Lukowicz

    Hijacked Smart Devices - Methodical Foundations for Autonomous Theft Awareness based on Activity Recognition and Novelty Detection

    In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2018), …

  8. Martin P. Strzys; Sebastian Kapp; Michael Thees; Pascal Klein; Paul Lukowicz; Pascal Knierim; Albrecht Schmidt; Jochen Kuhn

    Physics holo. lab learning experience: using smartglasses for augmented reality labwork to foster the concepts of heat conduction

    In: European Journal of Physics, Vol. 39, No. 3, Page 035703, IOP Publishing, 3/2018.

  9. Adrian Calma; Jochen Kuhn; Jan Marco Leimeister; Paul Lukowicz; Sarah Oeste-Reiß; Albrecht Schmidt; Bernhard Sick; Gerd Stumme; Sven Tomforde; Anna Katharina Zweig

    A concept for productivity tracking based on collaborative interactive learning techniques

    In: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems. International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS-2018), VDE, …

  10. How to avoid an AI interaction singularity

    In: ACM Interactions, Vol. 25, Pages 72-78, ACM, 2018.