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Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 327
  1. Der Beitrag der Referenzmodellierung zum Business Engineering

    In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Vol. 241, Pages 18-26, 2005.

  2. Ontological Analysis of Reference Models

    In: Peter Green; Michael Rosemann (Hrsg.). Business Systems Analysis with Ontologies. Pages 56-81, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, USA, et, 2005.

  3. Unified Modeling Language

    In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Volume I-V. Pages 2921-2928, Idea, Hershey, PA, USA, et, 2005.

  4. Heiko Mantel; Axel Schairer

    Exploiting Generic Aspects of Security Models in Formal Developments

    In: Dieter Hutter; Werner Stephan (Hrsg.). Essays in Honor of Jörg Siekmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Springer, 2005.

  5. Dominikus Heckmann; Tim Schwartz; Boris Brandherm; Michael Schmitz; Margeritta von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

    GUMO - the General User Model Ontology

    In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on User Modeling. International Conference on User Modeling (UM), July 24-29, Edinburgh, …

  6. Dominikus Heckmann

    Situation Modeling and Smart Context Retrieval with Semantic Web Technology and Conflict Resolution

    In: IJCAI-Workshop Modeling and Retrieval of Context (MRC2005). International Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context (MRC), Edinburgh, Pages …

  7. Dominikus Heckmann

    Distributed User Modeling for Situated Interaction

    In: 35. GI Jahrestagung, Informatik 2005 - Situierung, Individualisierung und Personalisierung. GI-Informatiktage (Informatik), Bonn, Pages 266-270, …

  8. Dominikus Heckmann

    Ubiquitous User Modeling

    PhD-Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany, 11/2005.

  9. Michael Schneider; Mathias Bauer; Alexander Kröner

    Building a Personal Memory for Situated User Support

    In: Proceedings of ECHISE 2005 - 1st International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments. International Workshop on …

  10. Stephan Baldes; Alexander Kröner; Mathias Bauer

    Configuration and Introspection of Situated User Support

    In: Mathias Bauer; Boris Brandherm; Johannes Fürnkranz; Gunter Grieser; Andreas Hotho; Andreas Jedlitschka; Alexander Kröner (Hrsg.). LWA 2005, Lernen …