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Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 327
  1. Alexander Löffler; Dieter Wallach

    3D User Interfaces as a Challenge for Cognitive Science

    In: 7. Fachtagung Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft (KogWis 05). Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft (KogWis), 7. September …

  2. Managing Presentations in an Intelligent Environment

    In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces. Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I-05), …

  3. Harald Haas

    Ordered graphs and travelling salesman tours

    Mastersthesis, TU Kaiserslautern, 4/2005.

  4. H. Helin; Matthias Klusch; A. Lopes; A. Fernández; M. Schumacher; H. Schuldt; F. Bergenti; A. Kinnunen

    Context-aware business application service coordination in mobile computing environments

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop Ambient Intelligence - Agents for Ubiquitous Environments. AAMAS Workshop on Ambient Intelligence - Agents for …

  5. Matthias Klusch; Andreas Gerber; M. Schmidt

    TSemantic Web Service Composition Planning with OWLS-XPlan

    In: Agents and the Semantic Web: Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium. AAAI Fall Symposium, November 4-6, Arlington, VA, USA, Fall Symposium Series …

  6. Matthias Klusch; B. Fries; M. Khalid; K. Sycara

    OWLS-MX: Hybrid Semantic Web Service Retrieval

    In: Agents and the Semantic Web: Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium. AAAI Fall Symposium, November 4-6, Arlington, VA, USA, Fall Symposium Series …

  7. Thorsten Möller; Heiko Schuldt; Andreas Gerber; Matthias Klusch

    Semantic Service Composition and Coordination in CASCOM

    In: Proceedings of the 3rd Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshop. Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshop (HDL-2005), located at ECDL 2005, September …

  8. Estimating the Acoustic Context to Improve Speaker Classification

    In: Modeling and Using Context - International and Interdisciplinary Conference. Modeling and Using Context - International and Interdisciplinary …

  9. Mohammed Ahmed; Othman E. Abdel-Rahman; Ibrahim E. Ziedan

    Design of a Computer Algorithm for Fine-Tuning of Adaptive Controllers

    In: Advanced Trends in Engineering. Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering (MICATE-2005), 3rd, April 3-4, Minia, Egypt, …

  10. Armin Stahl; Martin Schaaf; Ralph Traphöner (Hrsg.)

    Professional Knowledge Management

    German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM-2005), 3rd, located at In conjunction with the WM 2005, April 10-13, Kaiserslautern, Germany, ISBN …