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Zeige Ergebnisse 81 bis 90 von 599
  1. Katarzyna Biernacka; Petra Buchholz; Sarah Ann Danker; Dominika Dolzycka; Claudia Engelhardt; Kerstin Helbig; Juliane Jacob; Janna Neumann; Carolin Odebrecht; Cord Wiljes; Ulrike Wuttke

    Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management

    Meyrin: CERN, 12/2020.

  2. Improving personal health mention detection on twitter using permutation based word representation learning

    In: ICONIP 2020: Neural Information Processing. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2020), November 18-22, Pages …

  3. Implementation of an USRP-based software-defined radio platform for designing and evaluating artificial intelligent wireless transmission algorithms

    Mastersthesis, Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering of University of Stuttgart, 2020.

  4. Christian Wiezorek; Stefan Werner; Christian Backe; Miguel Bande Firvida; Thomas Vögele; Peter Conradi; Kai Strunz

    Design and operation planning of sector-coupled energy systems using the flexibility of smart DSM

    In: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal. CIRED Workshops (CIRED-2020), CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop (CIRED 2020), located at International …

  5. Stefan Werner; Thomas Walter; Christian Wiezorek; Christian Backe; Miguel Bande Firvida; Thomas Vögele; Peter Conradi; Samrat Bose; Enrique Kremers

    Smart decentralised energy management

    In: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal. CIRED Workshops (CIRED-2020), CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop (CIRED 2020), located at International …

  6. Thomas Vögele; Christian Backe; Miguel Bande Firvida; Peter Conradi; Petri Hovila; Kimmo Kauhaniemi; Haresh Kumar; Timo Kyntäjä; Matti Rita-Kasari; Muhammad Shafiq; Stefan Werner; Christian Wiezorek

    FUSE - using artificial intelligencein the energy grid of tomorrow

    In: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal. CIRED Workshops, CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop (CIRED 2020), located at International Conference on …

  7. Shoya Ishimaru; Takanori Maruichi; Koichi Kise; Andreas Dengel

    Gaze-Based Self-Confidence Estimation on Multiple-Choice Questions and Its Feedback

    In: AsianCHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Symposium on Emerging Research from Asia and on Asian Contexts and Cultures. ACM International Conference on …

  8. Ingo J. Timm; Jan Ole Berndt

    Kognitive Sozialsimulation für das COVID-19-Krisenmanagement - Social Simulation for Analysis of Infectious Disease Control (SoSAD).

    Whitepaper, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Whitepaper, Vol. 1, 8/2020.

  9. Globale Herausforderungen, Robotik und KI in der Landwirtschaft

    In: Wolfgang Schroeder; Ursula Bitzegeio; Sandra Fischer (Hrsg.). Digitale Industrie. Algorithmische Arbeit. Gesellschaftliche Transformation. Pages …

  10. Ferdinand Müller; Martin Schüssler; Elsa Andrea Kirchner

    Ein KI-TÜV für Europa

    Jahresbericht 2019_2020 Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft – Das Deutsche Internet-Institut, Pages 54-58, 11/2020.