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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 203
  1. Axel Schairer; Dieter Hutter

    Proof Transformations for Evolutionary Formal Software Development

    In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology, AMAST2002. International Conference on Algebraic …

  2. Serge Autexier; Dieter Hutter; Till Mossakowski; Axel Schairer

    The Development Graph Manager MAYA

    In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology, AMAST2002. International Conference on Algebraic …

  3. Maintenance of Formal Software Developments by Stratified Verification

    In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. International Conference on Logic for …

  4. Klaus Fischer; Dieter Hutter

    Proceedings of the 2. International Workshop on Security of Mobile Multiagent Systems

    DFKI, Workshop-proceedings, First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, also DFKI-Reseach Report RR-02-03, DFKI …

  5. Dieter Hutter; David Basin; Christoph Lüth; Peter Lindsay

    Workshop on Evolutionary Formal Software Development

    Workshop-proceedings, Formal Methods Europe at FLoC-2002, also DIKU-Report, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.

  6. Jochen Büdenbender; Giorgi Goguadze; Paul Libbrecht; Erica Melis; Carsten Ullrich

    Metadata in ActiveMath

    Seki Report, Universität des Saarlandes FB Informatik, Seki Report, Vol. SR-02-02, 2002.

  7. Jochen Büdenbender; Adrian Frischauf; Giorgi Goguadze; Erica Melis; Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich

    Using Computer Algebra Systems as Cognitive Tools

    In: S. A. Cerri; G. Gouarderes; F. Paraguacu (Hrsg.). 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Conference on …

  8. Paul Libbrecht

    Mathematical Systems Accessed on the Web: an Overview

    In: Paul Wang; Norbert Kajler (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the ISSAC-2002 Workshop on Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation. Workshop on Internet …

  9. Erica Melis

    Knowledge Representation for Web-Based User-Adaptive Education Systems

    In: BMBF-Workshop: Standardisierung im eLearning. BMBF-Workshop: Standardisierung im eLearning, Pages 78-81, 4/2002.