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Zeige Ergebnisse 81 bis 90 von 589
  1. Estelle Barraja; Tobias Gerber

    Analyse of Business Process Modelling Languages and their role in Product Lifecycle Management

    Seminararbeit, TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Produktionsautomatisierung, Interne Schriftenreihe, Vol. 1, 1/2011.

  2. Kamil Kloch; Paul Lukowicz; Carl Fischer

    Collaborative PDR Localisation with Mobile Phones

    In: Proceedings of the 2011 15th Annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC-2011), …

  3. Kamil Kloch; Gerald Pirkl; Paul Lukowicz; Carl Fischer

    Emergent behaviour in collaborative indoor localisation: an example of self-organisation in ubiquitous sensing systems

    In: Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2011. Proceedings. International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS-2011), 24th, …

  4. M. Kurz; G. Hölzl; A. Ferscha; A. Calatroni; D. Roggen; G. Tröster; H. Sagha; R. Chavarriaga; J.R. Millán; D. Bannach; K. Kunze; Paul Lukowicz

    The opportunity framework and data processing ecosystem for opportunistic activity and context recognition

    In: International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, Special Issue on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications, Vol. 1, No. 2, …

  5. Paul Lukowicz; Stephen Intille

    Experimental Methodology in Pervasive Computing

    In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 10, No. 2, Pages 94-96, IEEE Educational Activities Department, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2011.

  6. Sirko Straube; M. Fahle

    Visual detection and identification are not the same: evidence from psychophysics and fMRI

    In: Brain & Cognition, Vol. 75, Pages 29-38, Elsevier, 2011.

  7. J. Jeuring; B. Heeren; Giorgi Goguadze

    Math-Bridge Project: Diagnostic Tools Improved and Integrated in Math-Bridge

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.

  8. Giorgi Goguadze; Stefan Winterstein; J. Jeuring

    Math-Bridge Project: Integration of external tools

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.

  9. Andrey Girenko; Sergey Sosnovsky

    Math-Bridge Project: Annual intermediate public report

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.

  10. Andrey Girenko; Sergey Sosnovsky

    Math-Bridge Project: Progress Report

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.