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Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 30 von 504
  1. Nabila Abdessaied; Robert Wille; Mathias Soeken; Rolf Drechsler

    Reducing the depth of quantum circuits using additional circuit lines

    In: International Conference on Reversible Computation - Proceedings. International Conference on Reversible Computation (RC), Pages 221-233, …

  2. Nabila Abdessaied; Mathias Soeken; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Exact Ttemplate Matching using Boolean Satisfiability

    In: International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Pages 328-333, …

  3. Mixed Intention Sets in Dialogue Planning

    In: 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (Informatik 2013), Koblenz, Germany. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik …

  4. Jörg Schneider; Markus Reiter

    Green IT-Service-Management: Eine empirische Voruntersuchung der konzeptionellen Grundlagen

    In: Rainder Alt; Bogdan Fanczyk (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. Internationale Tagung …

  5. Agile Social Business Process Management using Sensor Technologies and Web 2.0

    In: Jörg Becker; Martin Matzner (Hrsg.). Promoting Business Process Management Excellence in Russia - Proceedings and Report of the PropelleR 2012 …

  6. Amir Bonakdar; Tobias Weiblen; Christina Di Valentin; Theresa Zeißner; Anton Pussep; Markus Schief

    Transformative Influence of Business Processes on the Business Model: Classifying the State of the Practice in the Software Industry

    In: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-13), …

  7. Markus Reiter; Peter Fettke; Peter Loos

    A Contribution to Theory Building for the Successful Implementation of ERP and BPR – an Application of the Method of Stylized Facts

    In: Jr. Ralph H. Sprague (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference …

  8. Pascal Reuß; Kerstin Bach; Klaus-Dieter Althoff

    Dynamic retrieval of heterogeneous knowledge sources in a multi-agent system

    In: Franz Lehner; Nadine Amende; Nora Fteimi (Hrsg.). Professionelles Wissensmanagement. Conference on Professional Knowledge Management (WM), March …

  9. Marcela Charfuelan Oliva; Sathish Pammi; Ingmar Steiner

    MARY TTS unit selection and HMM-based voices for the Blizzard Challenge 2013

    In: Proceedings of Blizzard Challenge 2013. SynSIG Blizzard Challenge, September 3, Barcelona, Spain, 9/2013.

  10. Takumi Toyama; Daniel Sonntag; Markus Weber; Christian Husodo Schulz

    Gaze-based Online Face Learning and Recognition in Augmented Reality

    In: Proceedings of the IUI 2013 Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning. IUI Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning, Poster Session, located at …