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Zeige Ergebnisse 71 bis 80 von 101
  1. Bernd Kiefer; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; John Carroll; Rob Malouf

    A Bag of Useful Techniques for Efficient and Robust Parsing

    In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'99), June 20 - 26. Annual Meeting of the …

  2. Montserrat Marimon; Axel Theofilidis; Thierry Declerck; Andrew Bredenkamp

    Natural Language Understanding for Natural Language Interfaces

    In: Proceedings of the Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural, September 8-10, Lleida, Spain, Vol. 25, 1999.

  3. Thierry Declerck; Flora Ramírez Bustamante; Fernando Sanchéz León

    Integrated Set of Tools for Robust Text Processing

    In: Proceedings of the Conference Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue (VEXTAL). Conference Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle …

  4. Berthold Crysmann; Antonio Branco

    Negative Concord and Linear Constraints on Quantification

    In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999.Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 1999, December 9-11. Symposium on Romance Linguistics (Going …

  5. Berthold Crysmann

    Morphosyntactic Paradoxa in Fox

    In: Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Semantics. Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, CSLI Publications, 1999.

  6. Andrew Bredenkamp; Judith Klein; Berthold Crysmann

    Annotation of Error Types for a German News Corpus

    In: ATALA sur les Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks. Les journées d'Etude de l'ATALA, June 18-19, Paris, France, 1999.

  7. Steffen Staab; Christian Braun; Ilvio Bruder; Antje Düsterhöft; Andreas Heuer; Meike Klettke; Günter Neumann; Bernd Prager; Jan Petzel; Hans-Peter Schnurr; Rudi Studer; Hans Uszkoreit; Burkhard Wrenger

    GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts

    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents. International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents …

  8. Steffen Staab; Christian Braun; Ilvio Bruder; Antje Düsterhöft; Andreas Heuer; Meike Klettke; Günter Neumann; Bernd Prager; Jan Pretzel; Hans-Peter Schnurr; Rudi Studer; Hans Uszkoreit; Burkhard Wrenger

    A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search

    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks. International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural …

  9. "May I Speak Freely?" Between Templates and Free Choice in Natural Language Generation. Workshop at the 23rd German Annual Conference for Artificial Intelligence (KI'99), Bonn

    German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), located at KI '99, September 14-15, Bonn, Germany, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 99-01, DFKI, 1999.

  10. Tania Avgustinova; Wojciech Skut; Hans Uszkoreit

    Typological Similarities in HPSG: A Case Study on Slavic Verb Diathesis

    In: Slavic in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Pages 1-28, CSLI Publications, 1999.