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  1. On the Overlap Between Grad-CAM Saliency Maps and Explainable Visual Features in Skin Cancer Images

    In: Andreas Holzinger; Peter Kieseberg; A. Min Tjoa; Edgar Weippl (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. International IFIP Cross Domain …

  2. Anomaly Detection for Skin Lesion Images Using Replicator Neural Networks

    In: Andreas Holzinger; Peter Kieseberg; A. Min Tjoa; Edgar Weippl (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. International IFIP Cross Domain …

  3. The effects of masking in melanoma image classification with CNNs towards international standards for image preprocessing

    In: 2020 EAI International Symposium on Medical Artificial Intelligence. EAI International Symposium on Medical Artificial Intelligence (MedAI-2020), …

  4. A Visually Explainable Learning System for Skin Lesion Detection Using Multiscale Input with Attention U-Net

    In: KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2020), 43rd, September 21-25, Bamberg, Germany, …

  5. A Study on the Fusion of Pixels and Patient Metadata in CNN-Based Classification of Skin Lesion Images

    In: Andreas Holzinger; Peter Kieseberg; A Min Tjoa; Edgar Weippl (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. International IFIP Cross Domain …

  6. Wie funktionieren neuronale Netze eigentlich?

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 1, 9/2019.