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Outdoor Nature Lovers vs. Indoor Training Enthusiasts: A Survey of Technology Acceptance of Climbers

Florian Daiber; Felix Kosmalla; Frederik Wiehr; Antonio Krüger
In: Proceedings of the ACM CHI Workshop on Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature (NatureCHI). CHI Workshop (3DCHI-16). Workshop on Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature (NatureCHI-16), located at CHI 2016, May 8, San Jose, CA, USA, NatureCHI, 2016.


Especially runners and cyclists have a variety of possibilities to record and analyze their workouts. In contrast, climbing did not find much attention in consumer electronics and human-computer interaction. If quantified data similar to cycling or running data were available for climbing, several applications would be possible, ranging from simple training diaries to virtual coaches, or usage analytics for gym operators. In this position paper we report our experiences from a survey on climbing technology that enables similar features as running and cycling technologies. The goal of the survey is to gain insight in the acceptance of technology in climbing. The main finding of the survey is that the sample can be divided into leisure-oriented outdoor climbers and sports-oriented indoor training enthusiasts.

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