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Assistierender Roboterarm am Krankenbett (links), Hightech Chip (mittig), Fussball spielende Nao Roboter (rechts)© DFKI

Cyber-Physical Systems


  1. Bremen ist Weltmeister: B-Human gewinnt die RoboCup-WM 2024

    Roboter können auch Fußball spielen – das zeigte sich in den vergangenen Tagen bei der RoboCup-WM in Eindhoven. Das Team B-Human der Universität …

  2. Synergizing sub-symbolic and symbolic AI: DFKI unveils pioneering approach to safe and verifiable humanoid walking

    Recent advances in robotics based on data-driven AI hold promise for a wide range of practical applications. However, ensuring the safety of these …

  3. Exciting insights into DFKI research at Girls' Day and Future Day 2024

    What do coding, a turtle, and art have in common? How can we protect the environment with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what exactly is …

  4. Triumph in Kassel: B-Human continues its winning streak at the RoboCup German Open

    With an impressive goal difference of 46:2, the Bremen robot soccer team won the RoboCup German Open 2024 in Kassel. In a thrilling final, B-Human, …


Assistant to the management:
Kristiane Schmitt, M.A.
Phone: +49 421 218 59840

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Cyber-Physical Systems

Bibliothekstraße 5
28359 Bremen

Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5
28359 Bremen