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Displaying results 61 to 70 of 507.
  1. Jumyung Um; Matthieu Rauch; Jy Hascoet; Ian Stroud

    STEP-NC compliant process planning of additive manufacturing: Remanufacturing

    In: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 88, Pages 1215-1230, Springer, 2017.

  2. Marie-Helene Stoltz; Vaggelis Giannikas; Duncan Mcfarlane; James Strachan; Jumyung Um; Rengarajan Srinivasan

    Augmented Reality in Warehouse Operations: Oppaortunities and Barriers

    In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50, No. 1, Pages 12979-12984, Elsevier, 2017.

  3. Training CNNs for Image Registration from Few Samples with Model-based Data Augmentation

    In: Maxime Descoteaux; Lena Maier-Hein; Alfred Franz; Pierre Jannin; D. Louis Collins; Simon Duchesne (Hrsg.). Medical Image Computing and Computer …

  4. Peter Fettke; Robert Risse; Fritz Esterer

    Anwendungspotentiale von Deep Learning im Process Mining in der Steuerabteilung am Beispiel von Henkel

    In: IM+io, Vol. 4, Pages 84-89, AWSI Publishing, 12/2017.

  5. Jana-Rebecca Rehse; Peter Fettke; Peter Loos

    A graph-theoretic method for the inductive development of reference process models

    In: Software & Systems Modeling, Vol. 16, No. 3, Pages 833-873, Springer, 2017.

  6. Model-based furniture recognition for building semantic object maps

    In: Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Vol. 2017, No. 247, Pages 336-351, Elsevier, 6/2017.

  7. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia; Gabriel Wittum; Andreas Dengel (Hrsg.)

    Positive Learning in the Age of Information (PLATO) - A blessing or a curse?

    ISBN 978-3-658-19566-3, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 12/2017.

  8. Tandra Ghose; Yannik T. H. Schelske; Takeshi Suzuki; Andreas Dengel

    Low-level Pixelated Representations suffice for Aesthetically Pleasing Contrast Adjustment in Photographs

    In: Psihologija, Vol. 50, No. 3, Pages 239-270, Serbian Psychological Society, 2017.

  9. Jochen Kuhn; Shoya Ishimaru; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Carina Heisel; Nicolas Großmann; Andreas Dengel

    HyperMind, das antizipierende Schulbuch – Ein Beitrag zur Unterrichtsentwicklung

    In: The World Education Leadership Symposium 2017. World Education Leadership Symposium, Education 5.0? The Future of Learning – The Future of …