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Displaying results 81 to 90 of 540.
  1. Ecore Model Generation from SystemC/C++ Implementations

    In: Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs (DUHDe). Workshop on Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs (DUHDe-2015), 2nd, …

  2. Aljoscha Windhorst; Hoang M. Le; Daniel Große; Rolf Drechsler

    Towards Generating Test Suites with High Functional Coverage for Error Effect Simulation

    In: 1st International ESWEEK Workshop on Resiliency in Embedded Electronic Systems. International ESWEEK Workshop on Resiliency in Embedded Electronic …

  3. Robert Wille; Oliver Keszöcze; Rolf Drechsler

    Synthese- und Optimierungsverfahren für zukünftige Computerparadigmen

    ISBN 978-3-8440-3467-7, Shaker, 2015.

  4. Nico Herbig

    DEPlaTa-A Digitally Enhanced Planning Table for Rough Factory Layouts

    Mastersthesis, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, 2015.

  5. Didier Stricker; Bernd Krolla

    Heterogeneous Dataset Acquisition for a Continuously Expandable Benchmark (CEB)

    In: 23. International Conference on Computer Graphics,Visualization and Computer Vision |. International Conference on Computer Graphics, …

  6. Ludovic Marin; Robin Salesse; Catherine Bortolon; Mathieu Gueugnon; Zhong Zhao; Raffard Stéphane; Delphine Capdevielle; Richard C. Schmidt; Norbert Schmitz; José Henriques; Didier Stricker; Mario Di Bernardo; Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova; Piotr Slowinski; Chao Zhai; Benoit Bardy

    Does similarity promote social interaction in schizophrenia?

    In: 18th International Conference on Perception and Action |. International Conference on Perception and Action (CPA-18), July 14-18, Minneapolis, …

  7. Mohammad Reza Yousefi; Reza Soheili; Thomas Breuel; Ehsanollah Kabir; Didier Stricker

    Binarization-free OCR for historical documents using LSTM networks

    In: 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition |. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR-13), …

  8. Ehsanollah Kabir; Didier Stricker; Reza Soheili

    Clustering of Farsi sub-word images for whole-book recognition

    In: Eric K. Ringger; Bart Lamiroy (Hrsg.). Proceedings SPIE 9402 - Document Recognition and Retrieval XXII |. SPIE Conference on Document Recognition …

  9. Jonas Traub; Tilmann Rabl; Fabian Hueske; Till Rohrmann; Volker Markl

    Die Apache Flink Plattform zur parallelen Analyse von Datenströmen und Stapeldaten.

    In: Ralph Bergmann; Sebastian Görg; Gilber Müller (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the LWA 2015 Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB. GI-Workshop-Tage "Lernen, …

  10. Svilen Dimitrov; Norbert Schmitz; Didier Stricker

    Standalone Sound-based Mobile Activity Recognition for Ambient Assistance in a Home Environment

    In: European Conference on Ambient Intelligence. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-15), November 11-13, Athens, Greece, Pages 349-352, …