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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 270
  1. New Chances for Deep Linguistic Processing

    In: Chu-Ren Huang (Hrsg.). Frontiers in Computational Linguistics. Shangwu Press, 2004.

  2. Jan-Thies Bähr; Peter Dannenmann; Ludger van Elst; Armin Hust; Andreas Lauer; Heiko Maus; Sven Schwarz

    EPOS Evolving Personal to Organizational Knowledge Spaces

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 04-01, 2004.

  3. Paul Buitelaar; Thomas Eigner; Thierry Declerck

    OntoSelect: A Dynamic Ontology Library with Support for Ontology Selection

    In: In: Proc. of the Demo Session at the International Semantic Web Conference. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2004.

  4. Paul Buitelaar; Michael Sintek

    OntoLT Version 1.0: Middleware for Ontology Extraction from Text

    In: Proc. of the Demo Session at the International Semantic Web Conference. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2004.

  5. Paul Buitelaar

    OntoSelect: Towards the Integration of an Ontology Library, Ontology Selection and Knowledge Markup (Position Paper)

    In: Proc. of the Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (Semannot2004) at the International Semantic Web Conference. Workshop on …

  6. Berthold Crysmann

    Underspecification of Intersective Modifier Attachment: Some Arguments from German

    In: Stefan Müller (Hrsg.). The Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Center for Computational …

  7. Marc Schröder; Stefan Breuer

    XML Representation Languages as a Way of Interconnecting TTS Modules

    In: Proc. ICSLP 04. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-04), Jeju, Korea, 2004.

  8. Marc Schröder

    Dimensional emotion representation as a basis for speech synthesis with non-extreme emotions

    In: Elisabeth Andre (Hrsg.). Proceedings Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (ADS 04). Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems …

  9. Jürgen Trouvain; Marc Schröder

    How (Not) to Add Laughter to Synthetic Speech

    In: Elisabeth Andre (Hrsg.). Proc. Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems (ADS 04). Tutorial and Research Workshop on Affective Dialogue Systems …