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Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 506
  1. SRL without Tears: An ILP Perspective

    In: Filip Zelezný; Nada Lavrac (Hrsg.). Inductive Logic Programming, 18th International Conference, Proceedings. International Conference on Inductive …

  2. Kristian Kersting; Kurt Driessens

    Non-parametric policy gradients: a unified treatment of propositional and relational domains

    In: William W. Cohen; Andrew McCallum; Sam T. Roweis (Hrsg.). Machine Learning, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Conference (ICML 2008). …

  3. Andreas Karwath; Kristian Kersting; Niels Landwehr

    Boosting Relational Sequence Alignments

    In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008). IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2008), …

  4. Brian Milch; Luke S. Zettlemoyer; Kristian Kersting; Michael Haimes; Leslie Pack Kaelbling

    Lifted Probabilistic Inference with Counting Formulas

    In: Dieter Fox; Carla P. Gomes (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial …

  5. Luc De Raedt; Kristian Kersting; Angelika Kimmig; Kate Revoredo; Hannu Toivonen

    Compressing probabilistic Prolog programs

    In: Machine Learning, Vol. 70, No. 2-3, Pages 151-168, Springer, 2008.

  6. Leo Sauermann; Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes; Thomas Roth-Berghofer

    The Semantic Desktop as a foundation for PIM research

    In: Jaime Teevan; William Jones (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Personal Information Management Workshop. Personal Information Management Workshop …

  7. Andreas Eisele; Christian Federmann; Hans Uszkoreit; Hervé Saint-Amand; Martin Kay; Michael Jellinghaus; Sabine Hunsicker; Teresa Herrmann; Yu Chen

    Hybrid Architectures for Multi-Engine Machine Translation

    In: Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 30. Translating and the Computer Conference (TC-30), November 27-28, London, United Kingdom, ASLIB, …

  8. Peter Loos; Torben Hansen

    State-of-the-Art-Betrachtung sensorischer B2C-Empfehlungsfunktionalität im stationären Einzelhandes

    In: Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme - Technologien, Prozesse, Marktfähigkeit. Proceedings zur 3. Konferenz Mobile und Ubiquitäre …

  9. Peter Loos; N. Gronau; P. Schuber (Hrsg.)

    Vorwort ISIH'08: Informationssysteme in Industrie und Handel - ERP und Collaborative Business

    Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI-08), located at Informationssysteme in Industrie und Handel, February 26-28, München, Germany, …

  10. Peter Loos; Dirk Werth; Philipp Walter

    Distribution and Composition of Collaborative Business Process through Peer-to-Peer Networks

    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Process Management. Business Process Management (BPM-2008), 2nd International Workshop …