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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 270
  1. Thierry Declerck (Hrsg.)

    A Registry of Linguistic Data Categories within an Integrated Language Resources Repository Area (INTERA).

    Workshop on A Registry of Linguistic Data Categories within an Integrated Language Resources Repository Area (INTERA), 2004.

  2. Thierry Declerck; L. Romary; N. Ide; P. Wittenburg

    An on-line data category registry for linguistic resource management

    In: Proceedings of the LREC Workshop:. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2004.

  3. Thierry Declerck; J. Kuper; H. Saggion; A. Samiotou; P. Wittenburg; J. Contreras

    Contribution of NLP to the Content Indexing of Multimedia Documents

    In: Pages 610-618, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3115 / 2004, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 6/2004.

  4. Thierry Declerck; D. Broeder; M. Nava

    INTERA: A Distributed Metadata Domain of Language Resources

    In: Proceedings of the LREC Workshop:. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2004.

  5. Thierry Declerck; K. Lee; L. Burnard; L. Romary; E. de la Clergerie; Stephan Baumann; H. Bunt; L. Clément; O. Erjavec; A. Roussanaly; C. Roux

    Towards an International Standard on Feature Structure Representation

    In: Proceedings of LREC. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2004.

  6. Thierry Declerck; Paul Buitelaar; N. Calzolari; A. Lenci

    Towards A Language Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

    In: European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (Hrsg.). Proceedings of LREC2004. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …

  7. Ulrich Callmeier; Andreas Eisele; Ulrich Schäfer; Melanie Siegel

    The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework

    In: Maria Teresa Lino; Maria Francisca Xavier; Fatima Ferreira; Raquel Silva (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language …

  8. Anette Frank

    Constraint-based RMRS Construction from Shallow Grammars

    In: Proceedings of the HPSG 2004 Conference Workshop on Semantics in Grammar Engineering. HPSG Conference Workshop on Semantics in Grammar …

  9. Bähr; Peter Dannenmann; Dennis Wagner; Hans Hagen

    A Context- and User-Driven Configuration System for the Visualization of Structures in Knowledge Management

    In: accepted for publication at the 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 04), September 6 - 8, …

  10. Rolf-Hendrik van Lengen; M.Rogger; L.Wisser; M.Niewald; Ch.Rübe

    IsiS - ein Programm zur Dokumentation der Patientenposition in der Strahlentherapie bei Verwendung des Reuther-Kombiboards

    In: Deutscher Kongress für Radioonkologie, Strahlenbiologie und Medizinische Physik, Erfurt. Deutscher Kongress für Radioonkologie, Strahlenbiologie …