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Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 80
  1. Walter Kasper; Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing

    Verbmobil-Report, DFKI, Vol. 140, 1996.

  2. Harold Boley

    Knowledge Bases in the World Wide Web: A Challenge for Logic Programming

    (Second, Revised Edition), DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 96-02, 1996.

  3. Gerd Kamp; Holger Wache

    CTL - a description Logic with expressive concrete domains

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 96-01, 1996.

  4. Frank Dubiel; Andreas Dengel

    FormClas - OCR-Free Classification of Forms

    In: Proceedings of the International Association for Pattern Recognition Workshop. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-96), located …

  5. Andreas Dengel; Frank Dubiel

    Concept Formation from a Set of Uncertain Objects

    In: Proceedings of the IX. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ISAI-96), Cancún, …

  6. Andreas Dengel; Knut Hinkelmann

    The SPECIALIST BOARD - A Technology Workbench for Document Analysis and Understanding

    In: M. M. Tanik; F. Bastani; D. Gibson; P. Fielding (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology. …

  7. Andreas Dengel; Thomas Kieninger; N. Kuhn

    PASCAL 2000 - Ein prototypisches Projekt zur Integration blinder Menschen in die Büroarbeit

    In: E. Zwierlein (Hrsg.). Handbuch: Integration und Ausgrenzung. Pages 563-573, Luchterland-Verlag, 6/1996.

  8. Andreas Dengel; Frank Dubiel

    Computer Understanding of Document Structure

    In: International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IJIST), Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 271-278, 1996.

  9. Technical Staff

    DFKI Jahresbericht 1995

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 96-07, 1996.

  10. Klaus Fischer (Hrsg.)

    Working Notes of the KI'96 Workshop on Agent-Oriented Programming and Distributed Systems

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 96-06, 1996.