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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 80
  1. Hans-Jürgen Bürckert; Ingo Zinnikus

    Modellgesteuertes Daten-Retrieval (Abstract)

    In: K. Prasser (Hrsg.). Workshop Deduktion - Zusammenfassungen. Workshop Deduktion, Uni Dresden, Vol. Interner Bericht Uni Dresden, No. WV-96-09, Uni …

  2. Martin Buchheit; Hans-Jürgen Bürckert; Bernhard Hollunder; Armin Laux; Werner Nutt

    Projekt TACOS: Taxonomies and Common Sense

    Abschlussbericht, 1996.

  3. Sabine Lehmann; Stephan Oepen; Sylvie Regnier-Prost; Klaus Netter; Veronika Lux; Judith Klein; Kirsten Falkedal; Frederik Fouvry; Dominique Estival; Eva Dauphin; Hervé Compagnion; Judith Baur; Lorna Balkan; Doug Arnold

    TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing

    In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96), …

  4. Sabine Lehmann; Dominique Estival; Stephan Oepen

    TSNLP - Des jeux de phrases-test pour l'évaluation d'application dans le domaine du TALN

    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel. International Conference on HPSG and …

  5. Walter Kasper; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Jörg Spilker; Hans Weber

    From Word Hypotheses to Logical Form: An Efficient Interleaved Approach

    In: Dafydd Gibbon (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology: Results of the 3rd KONVENS Conference, October 7-9. …

  6. Walter Kasper; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Jörg Spilker; Hans Weber

    From Word Hypotheses to Logical Form: An Efficient Interleaved Approach

    Verbmobil-Report, DFKI, Vol. 142, 1996.

  7. Walter Kasper; Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing

    Verbmobil-Report, DFKI, Vol. 140, 1996.

  8. Walter Kasper; Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing

    In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-95), …

  9. Best-First Surface Realization

    In: Donia Scott (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG'96), June. International Natural Language …

  10. Best-First Surface Realization

    Research Report, DFKI, Vol. RR-96-05, 1996.