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Zeige Ergebnisse 71 bis 80 von 97
  1. Melanie Siegel

    Problems of Automatic Translation of Japanese Dialogues into German

    In: W. von Hahn; S. Jekat; I. Maleck (Hrsg.). Machine Translation and Machine Interpretation. Proceedings of the VERBMOBIL Workshop at the University …

  2. Ulrich Schäfer

    Parameterized Type Expansion in the Feature Structure Formalism TDL

    Mastersthesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 1995.

  3. Stephan Oepen; Klaus Netter

    TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing

    In: Proceedings of the Conference on Linguistic Databases, March 23-24. Conference on Linguistic Databases, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1995.

  4. Robert Kasper; Bernd Kiefer; Klaus Netter; Vijay K. Shanker

    Compilation of HPSG to TAG

    In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'95), June 26-30. Annual Meeting of the …

  5. Ronald M. Kaplan; Klaus Netter; Jürgen Wedekind; Annie Zaenen

    Translation by Structural Correspondences

    In: Mary Dalrymple; Ronald M. Kaplan; John Maxwell; Annie Zaenen (Hrsg.). Formal Issues in Lexical Functional Grammar. Pages 311-329, CSLI, Stanford, …

  6. Gregor Erbach; Mark van der Kraan; Suresh Manandhar; Herbert Ruessink; Craig Thiersch; Wojciech Skut

    Extending Unification Formalisms

    CLAUS-Report, Universität des Saarlandes, Vol. 62, 5/1995.

  7. Gregor Erbach; Mark van der Kraan; Suresh Manandhar; Herbert Ruessink; Craig Thiersch; Wojciech Skut

    Extending Unification Formalisms

    In: Proceedings of the 2nd Language Engineering Convention. CEC Language Engineering Convention, October 16-18, London, United Kingdom, 1995.

  8. Gregor Erbach; Mark van der Kraan; Suresh Manandhar; M. Andrew Moshier; Herbert Ruessink; Craig Thiersch (Hrsg.)

    The Reusability of Grammatical Resources. Deliverable D

    Edinburgh, Saarbrücken, Tilburg, Utrecht, 1995.

  9. Gregor Erbach; Wojciech Skut; Hans Uszkoreit

    Linear Precedence Constraints in Lean Formalisms (I und II)

    CLAUS-Report, Universität des Saarlandes, o.A. Vol. 55, 1995.

  10. Gregor Erbach; Suresh Manandhar

    Visions for the Future of Logic-Based Natural Language Processing

    In: Proceedings of the ILPS'95 Workshop "Visions for the Future of Logic Programming - Laying the Foundations for a Modern Successor to Prolog". …