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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 203
  1. Michael Kruppa; Rainer Wasinger; Antonio Krüger; Christian Müller

    Readapting Multimodal Presentations to Heterogenous User Groups

    In: AAAI-Workshop on Intelligent Situation-Aware Media and Presentations (ISAMP). AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Situation-Aware Media and Presentations …

  2. Christian Müller; Rainer Wasinger

    Adapting Multimodal Dialog for the Elderly

    In: ABIS Workshop on Personalization for the Mobile World. GI-Workshop "Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen" (ABIS), …

  3. Markus Loeckelt; Tilmann Becker; Norbert Pfleger; Jan Alexandersson

    Making Sense of Partial

    In: Foster Bos; Matheson (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the sixth workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue. Workshop Series on the Semantics and …

  4. Multimodal Dialog in a Pedestrian Navigation System

    In: Proceedings of ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on …

  5. Matthias Klusch; Andreas Gerber

    Issues of Dynamic Coalition Formation Among Rational Agents on the Internet

    In: Austin Tate (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations. International Conference on …

  6. Andreas Gerber; Nils Kammenhuber; Matthias Klusch

    CASA: A Distributed Holonic Multiagent Architecture for Timber Production

    In: Proceedings of the first International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. International Joint Conference on Autonomous …

  7. Andreas Gerber; Christian Ruß; Matthias Klusch

    An Agent-Based Approach for Integrating Logistics Services into a B2B Marketplace

    In: Hamid R. Arabnia; Youngsong Mun (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing. International Conference on Internet …

  8. Markus Junker; Andreas Abecker; Andreas Dengel

    Text Categorization using Learned Document Features

    In: H. Bunke; A. Kandel (Hrsg.). Hybrid Methods in Pattern Recognition. Pages 301-324, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 2002.

  9. Andreas Dengel; M. Junker

    Implementierung eines kollaborativen Unternehmensgedächtnis via Text Mining

    In: U. Hanning (Hrsg.). Management und Business Intelligence. Pages 149-160, Springer Verlag, 2002.