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Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 182
  1. Information Agent Technology for the Internet: A Survey

    In: D. Fensel (Hrsg.). Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 36, Pages 337-372, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 2001.

  2. Matthias Klusch; Andreas Gerber

    CASA: Agents for mobile integrated commerce in forestry and agriculture (Long Version)

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on E-Business & the Intelligent Web. International IJCAI Workshop on E-Business & the Intelligent Web, August 5, …

  3. Michael Kruppa

    ARREAL- A mobile pedestrian navigation System built from standard hardware components

    Mastersthesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2001.

  4. Urs Anliker; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Troester; Steven J. Schwartz; Richard W. DeVaul

    The WearARM: Modular, High Performance, Low Power Computing Platform Designed for Integration into Everyday Clothing

    In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC-2001), 5th, …

  5. Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Ralph Bergmann; Karl Branting

    The Third International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR’99) - Conference Report

    In: AI Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, Pages 116-118, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2001.

  6. Information Agents: Theory ans Applications Guest Editor´s Introduction

    In: International Journal on Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), Double special Issue on Intelligent Information Agents: Theory and Applications, …

  7. Matthias Klusch; F. Zambonelli (Hrsg.)

    Cooperative Information Agents V. Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop CIA 2001

    International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2001), September 6-8, Modena, Italy, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), …

  8. Matthias Klusch; A. Omicini; F. Zambonelli; R. Tolksdorf (Hrsg.)

    Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications

    ISBN 3540416137, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

  9. Tianfang Yao; Feiyu Xu; Dong-Mo Zhang; Qian Wang; Huan-Ye Sheng; Fang Li

    A Multilingual Information Retrieval Model based on Information Extraction and Text Generation

    In: Proceedings of ICIP 2001. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2001.