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MOSES: an example for the modelling of spatial services by means of route description system

Wolfgang Maaß; D. Schmauks
In: Zeitschrift für Semiotik, Vol. 20, No. 1/2, Pages 105-118, Stauffenburg, 1998.


In the last few years in cognitive science there has been a growing interest in the connection between visual perception and natual language. The question of interest is: How ca we discuss what we see? With this question in mind in this article we will look at the area of incremental route descriptions. Here, a speaker step-by-step presents the relevant rout information in a 3D-environment. The speaker must adjust his/her descriptions to the currently visible objects. Two major questions arise in this context: 1. How is visually obtained informaiton used in natural language generation? and 2. How are the modalities coordniated? We will present a computational framework for the interaction of visual perception and natural language descriptions which integrates several processes and representations. Especially discussed is the interaction between the spatial representation and the presentation representation used for natural language descriptions. We have implemented a prototypical version of the proposed model, called MOSES.

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