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How to Instill Activity into Digital Object Memories

Jens Haupert; Christian Hauck; Alexander Kröner
In: Alexander Kröner; Jens Haupert; Chris Speed; Fahim Kawsar; Thomas Ploetz; Daniel Schreiber (Hrsg.). International Workshop on Digital Object Memories in the Internet of Things 2012. Workshop on Digital Object Memories (DOME-12), located at International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 2012, September 5-8, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, ACM, 2012.


In today’s product management life-cycle data play a growing role. Fixed product data, sensor readings and external events form continuously growing data collections, the digital object memory. To create a surplus value, these data are exploited in applications, e.g. by asking queries to such memories (e.g. "get unexpected observations"). The necessary logic to answer such questions may vary with time as different entities come in contact with different types of objects. This raises the challenge how to decouple questions from the corresponding logic, how to modify the logic, how to deploy such logic to the memory and how to execute the logic on the memory itself. This article describes work in progress concerning extending an existing memory framework to support analysis, processing and communication behavior of so called Active Digital Object Memories.
