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Multimodal Conspicuity-Enhancement for E-Bikes (Demo): the Hybrid Reality Model of Environment Transformation

Sandro Castronovo; Christoph Endres; Tobias Del Fabro; Nils Schnabel; Christian Müller
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2011). International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-11), February 13-16, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Pages 433-434, 2/2011.


A prototypical conspicuity enhancement (CE) system for vulnerable road users (here e-bikes) is described. We stress that CE is a form of multimodal output. We argue that previous CE approaches have the drawback of affecting uninvolved (road) users. We argue further that augmented reality as an alternative is error prone because objects need to be tracked. Our system implements the hybrid reality modality model, where directed information emanates from the objects themselves and therefore no object recognition/tracking is needed. We describe the components of a functional demonstrator based on standard compliant car-to-car communication components.
