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Integrating Models of Personality and Emotions into Lifelike Characters

Elisabeth Andre; Martin Klesen; Patrick Gebhard; Steve Allen; Thomas Rist
In: Ana Paiva (Hrsg.). Affective Interactions: Towards a New Generation of Computer Interfaces. Human Computer Interaction International Conferences (HCII), Pages 150-165, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 1814, ISBN 978-3-540-41520-6, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000.


A growing number of research projects in academia and industry have recently started to develop lifelike agents as a new metaphor for highly personalised human-machine communication. A strong argument in favour of using such characters in the interface is the fact that they make human-computer interaction more enjoyable and allow for communication styles common in human-human dialogue. In this paper we discuss three ongoing projects that use personality and emotions to address different aspects of the affective agent-user interface: (a) Puppet uses affect to teach children how the different emotional states can change or modify a character’s behaviour, and how physical and verbal actions in social interactions can induce emotions in others; (b) the Inhabited Market Place uses affect to tailor the roles of actors in a virtual market place; and (c) Presence uses affect to enhance the believability of a virtual character, and produce a more natural conversational manner.