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From Simulated Dialogues to Interactive Performances

Elisabeth Andre; Stephan Baldes; Thomas Rist
In: Vladimír Mařík; Olga ¦těpánková; Hana Krautwurmová; Michael Luck (Hrsg.). Multi-Agent Systems and Applications II. Pages 121-135, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2322, ISBN 978-3-540-43377-4, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002.


In this contribution, we argue in favor of a shift from applications with single presentation agents towards flexible performances given by a team of characters as a new presentation style. We will illustrate our approach by means of two subsequent versions of a test-bed called the "Inhabited Market Place" (IMP1 and IMP2). In IMP1, the attribute "flexible" refers to the system's ability to adapt a presentation to the needs and preferences of a particular user. In IMP2, flexibility additionally refers to the user's option of actively participating in a computer-based performance and influencing the behavior of the involved characters at runtime. While a plan-based approach has proven appropriate in both versions to automatically control the behavior of the agents, IMP2 calls for highly reactive and distributed behavior planning.