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APftML - Augmented Proppian fairy tale Markup Language

Antonia Scheidel; Thierry Declerck
In: Sándor Darányi; Piroska Lendvai (Hrsg.). First International AMICUS Workshop on Automated Motif Discovery in Cultural Heritage and Scientific Communication Texts: Poster session. International Workshop on Automated Motif Discovery in Cultural Heritage and Scientific Communication Texts (AMICUS-10), located at Supporting the Digital Humanities conference 2010 (SDH-2010), October 21, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-963-306-069-8, Szeged University, Szeged, Hungary, 10/2010.


This poster submission presents the actual state of development of a markup scheme that combines narrative and linguistic information for the fine-grained annotation of folktales. The scheme builds on and extends an existing markup language called PftML (Proppian fairy tale Markup Language) and combines this with textual and linguistic annotation standards as proposed by TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) and ISO TC37/SC4 on language resources management. We call our scheme therefore APftML (Augmented Proppian fairy tale Markup Language). While the poster itself will show detailed examples of the application of the annotation scheme to German versions of \Little Red Riding Hood" and \The Magic Swan Geese", the paper concentrates on describing the resources we have been using, developing and integrating in APftML, which is providing in fact the goal annotation structure of on-going work on the automated semantic annotation of folktales.
