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IST World: European RTD Information and Service Portal

Brigitte Jörg; Jure Ferlez; Edward Grabczewski; Mitja Jermol
In: Anne Asserson (Hrsg.). 8th international Conference on Current Research Information Systems. International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS-2006), Enabling Interaction and Quality Beyond the Hanseatic League, May 11-13, Bergen, Norway, 5/2006.


The IST World Web portal ( integrates information about RTD actors such as organizations and experts on a local, national and European level and shows the context of their co-operation in joint projects and publications. Although the portal is aimed at promoting RTD competencies in IST in the New Member States (NMS) and Associate Candidate Countries (ACC), the long-term goal is to analyze the competence map and collaboration diagrams of Europe. The portal is built on technology for Current Re-search Information Systems based on state-of-the-art knowledge technologies, techniques and tools that have been developed by DFKI, Jozef Stefan Institute, and Ontotext. The portal is structured into the set of functionalities that represent personal and organizational competencies, expertise and social network analysis. Moreover, the IST World portal will overcome the shortcomings of existing on-line services by offering advanced analytical and prediction services and facilitate and foster the networking among research actors and their involvement in joint RTD activities. In this paper the innovative IST World portal services are presented from a user perspective.
