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Beyond Hardware: Enhancing Haptic Design for Virtual Reality Through Perceptual Illusion Techniques

Carolin Stellmacher; André Zenner
In: Proceedings of the Haptic Playground Workshop at CHI'24. Haptic Playground: Empowering Inclusive Haptic Design for Everyone, located at CHI 2024, May 11, Honolulu, HI, USA, 5/2024.


In many application domains, haptic feedback can only be conveyed through physical actuation of the user's body. The domain of virtual reality (VR), however, is different in this regard and offers exciting new possibilities when it comes to conveying the haptics of virtual worlds to users. Since VR systems have full control over the visual input of users, software-based techniques have been proposed that can enhance the perceived quality and flexibility of traditional haptic feedback solutions. By taking advantage of perceptual phenomena like multisensory integration, visual dominance, or change blindness, these so called perceptual illusion techniques for VR cleverly exploit the particularities of human perception. In this paper, we present examples of our previous work on enhancing the haptic design freedom for VR through techniques like hand redirection and pseudo-haptics, and outline directions for future research in this emerging domain.

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