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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 3 von 3.
  1. extremeXP – EXPeriment driven and user eXPerience oriented analytics for eXtremely Precise outcomes and decisions

    extremeXP – EXPeriment driven and user eXPerience oriented analytics for eXtremely Precise outcomes and decisions

    A new framework for experimentation-driven analytics Extreme data characteristics represent a challenge for advanced data-driven analytics and decision-making in critical domains such as crisis manage

  2. CALAHARI – CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    CALAHARI – CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    Hinter CALAHARI steht eine Vision für ein robotergestütztes, teilautonomes Holzernteverfahren. Die Synthese aus der Anforderungsanalyse für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung in der Forst-wirtschaft und der A

  3. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable human-centric AI systems in real-life manufacturing environme