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Projekt | simREC

Semantic Music Recommendation

Semantic Music Recommendation

Holistic / Hybrid Recommendation and Explanation: We work on hybrid recommendation strategies since 2003. Recent interest of commercial music streaming services and internet radio stations enabled us to work close together with real-world use-cases. Nevertheless the issue is tough. In our opinon users demand explanations. For this reason we currently develop a hybrid recommender consisting of CF (user plays), social facets (facebook, etc.) and semantic metadata (hopefully using the graph structure) (Freebase, Musicbrainz). In a joint project with a German music streaming service we will try to evaluate different strategy settings (i.e the weigthings of the several components) and explanation interfaces with real-world users in 2013.


BMWi - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie

BMWi - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie