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Displaying results 111 to 120 of 572.
  1. Thierry Declerck; Antonia Scheidel

    An Information Extraction Approach to the Semantic Annotation of Folktales

    In: Sándor Darányi; Piroska Lendvai (Hrsg.). First International AMICUS Workshop on Automated Motif Discovery in Cultural Heritage and Scientific …

  2. Simultaenous Localization and Mapping - Gasteditorial

    In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence - Organ des Fachbereiches "Künstliche Intelligenz" der Gesellschaft für …

  3. G. Grisetti; R. Kümmerle; C. Stachniss; Udo Frese; Christoph Hertzberg

    A Lazy, Online, and Hierarchical Optimization Approach for 2D and 3D Pose-Graphs Operating on Manifolds

    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2010), May …

  4. Udo Frese; René Wagner; Thomas Röfer

    A SLAM Overview from a User's Perspective

    In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence - Organ des Fachbereiches "Künstliche Intelligenz" der Gesellschaft für …

  5. S. Huang; Y. Lai; Udo Frese; G. Dissanayake

    How far is SLAM from a linear least squares problem?

    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …

  6. Martin Memmel; Martin Wolpers; Massimiliano Condotta; Katja Niemann; Rafael Schirru

    Introducing a Social Backbone to Support Access to Digital Resources

    In: Martin Wolpers; Paul A. Kirschner; Maren Scheffel; Stefanie Lindstaedt; Vania Dimitrova (Hrsg.). EC-TEL 2010 - Sustaining TEL. From Innovation to …

  7. Carsten Rust; Petra Kösters; Alexandra Theobalt; Andreas Emrich; Marc Gräßle; Dirk Werth; Stephan Flake; Jürgen Tacken; Frank Golatowski; Steffen Prüter

    uRun - Der mobile Gesundheitscoach

    In: Klaus-Peter Fähnrich; Bogdan Franczyk (Hrsg.). Service Science - Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für …

  8. Lutz Schröder; Dirk Pattinson

    Rank-1 modal logics are coalgebraic

    In: Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC), Vol. 20, No. 5, Pages 1113-1147, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.

  9. Glauber Cabral; Christian Maeder; Till Mossakowski; Lutz Schröder

    Creating a HasCASL library

    In: Jonathan Aldrich; Ricardo Massa (Hrsg.). 14th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages …

  10. A.A. Naumov; E.A. Mazutskaya; G. Grabarnik; Oleg Rostanin

    Inverse Problems at the Business Processes Analysis

    In: Nord-East Asia Academic Forum (Hrsg.). Economies in Crisis and Post-Crisis Periods. Pages 140-143, Sibirean University of Consumers' Cooperative …