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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 63.
  1. DataNord - MRI4ALL – Research Academy Projekt MRI4AII des Interdisziplinären Datenkompetenzzentrums für die Region Bremen - DataNord; Teilvorhaben:

    DataNord - MRI4ALL – Research Academy Projekt MRI4AII des Interdisziplinären Datenkompetenzzentrums für die Region Bremen - DataNord; Teilvorhaben:

    In close cooperation within the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) and with other partners, the University of Bremen is establishing a data competence …

  2. FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially in embedded, cyber-physical devices with …

  3. SASPIT – A Safe and Secure Sensor Platform for the Internet of Things

    SASPIT – A Safe and Secure Sensor Platform for the Internet of Things

    The goals of the SASPIT project are to develop an open IoT sensor platform with end-to-end security guarantees for the correctness, integrity and …

  4. HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    HealthyW8 – Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life

    Over 30% of EU citizens at vulnerable stages and situations in life are at increased risk to transgress from healthy weight to overweight and further …

  5. PaSVer – Powerful design tool for novel automotive electronics

    PaSVer – Powerful design tool for novel automotive electronics

    The automotive industry in Germany is undergoing major changes. Car manufacturers have to combine more and more software and hardware to enable …

  6. ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    Social interaction is one of the essential factors that determine personal quality of life, which is also shown by the spread of social media. But the …

  7. REXASI-PRO – REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility

    REXASI-PRO – REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied widely in many domains and there is a need to realize public trust in these systems. Calls are made to …

  8. ECXL – An Extensible and Consistent Cross-Level RISC-V Verification Platform

    ECXL – An Extensible and Consistent Cross-Level RISC-V Verification Platform

    The goal of the ECXL project is to develop a design and verification platform for RISC-V based systems. The verification platform will allow models on …

  9. KIMBi – Auf dem Weg zur KI-gestützten intelligenten Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung

    KIMBi – Auf dem Weg zur KI-gestützten intelligenten Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung

    Es soll ein System entwickelt werden, das die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) für KI- Anwendungen zugänglich macht. Die MRT ist die flexibelste und …

  10. RE-SAMPLE – REal-time data monitoring for Shared, Adaptive, Multi-domain and Personalised prediction and decision making for Long-term Pulmonary care Ecosystems

    RE-SAMPLE – REal-time data monitoring for Shared, Adaptive, Multi-domain and Personalised prediction and decision making for Long-term Pulmonary care Ecosystems

    Multi-morbid complex chronic conditions (CCCs) are highly prevalent in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and timely and …