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Project News

  1. visualization of a networked earth

    DFKI coordinates “Open6GHub” project - 68 million euros funding from BMBF

    Reliable and high-performance communication networks drive innovation in digital societies. In order to shape the digital future effectively and in …

  2. [Translate to English:]

    Interview: Wikidata, Artificial Intelligence and the Qurator project

    In the QURATOR project, ten partners are working on making curation techniques more valuable and efficient through automation. In IT experts’ terms, …

  3. [Translate to English:]

    To protect humans and the environment: project network develops innovative AUVs for monitoring deep-sea installations

    Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are already being used to inspect structures in deep waters. The systems are still accompanied, launched at sea, …

  4. Forscherkarriere zwischen naturgewaltigen Eisbergen und künstlicher Intelligenz

    Forschungsbereichsleiter im Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Uni-Professor, Meeresforscher, Fantasy-Fan. Wer sich ein …

  5. Aktuelles aus dem EU-Projekt APRIL: DFKI-Forschende arbeiten an innovativer Roboterhand zur flexiblen Handhabung weicher Objekte in der Fertigung

    „Die Welt ist für Menschen designt. Ein Stift ist nicht dafür gemacht, dass ihn ein Roboter greifen kann. Wir versuchen, auf genau dieser Tatsache …

  6. Quanten-KI für die Autoindustrie

    DFKI, Forschungszentrum Jülich, BMW Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Volkswagen und Bosch wollen gemeinsam KI-Anwendungen für Quantencomputer testen. …

  7. [Translate to English:] Frontalansicht ICE-Zug mit DB-Logo.

    AI in rail: Automatically generated explanations of machine-driven decisions in railway operations

    The DFKI and its partners DB Systel GmbH, Siemens Mobility GmbH and TU Braunschweig are developing a concept which aims to solve general problems …

  8. EU space project completed in Wulsbüttel: DFKI rover performs autonomous long-range mission in northern german sand pit

    When NASA's rover “Perseverance” and China's rover “Zhurong” travel across the surface of Mars these days, they take crucial decisions without human …

  9. The image depicts a flyer of the Foreign Trade Days 2021. On the left hand side of the image it says:  Digital Technology Innovations: internationally connected. On the right hand side there are images of the participants.

    Forum Digitale Technologien at Foreign Trade Days 2021

    On 23 April, the Forum Digitale Technologien (FDT) participated in the Foreign Trade Days 2021 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy …

  10. Software-supported risk assessment for safe human-machine interaction – BaSys satellite project BaSySafe launched

    In industrial manufacturing, risks and hazards result from the operation of machines. Manufacturers and operators of equipment are required by law to …