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News Overview

Displaying results 411 to 420 of 1387.
  1. Mit Daten Krisensituationen besser bewältigen

    Mit Daten Krisensituationen besser bewältigen

    Im vorigen Jahr sprach Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn von der Wahrscheinlichkeit, nach der Pandemie für vieles um Verzeihung bitten zu …

  2. Kann Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft transformieren?

    Kann Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft transformieren?

    Gastbeitrag von Prof. Dr. Joachim Hertzberg, Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Planbasierte Robotersteuerung, DFKI Labor Niedersachsen

  3. DFKI Research Department Algorithmic Business and Production released challenging Data Benchmark Set for CP-SAT solvers and Reinforcement Learning

    DFKI Research Department Algorithmic Business and Production released challenging Data Benchmark Set for CP-SAT solvers and Reinforcement Learning

    Cable trees are widely used in industrial products to transmit energy and information between different product parts. The automatization of their ...

  4. AI pioneer, professor, editor: congratulations to Jörg Siekmann on his 80th birthday

    AI pioneer, professor, editor: congratulations to Jörg Siekmann on his 80th birthday

    One of the most notable researchers, teachers, and managers of the German AI landscape and one of the three founding directors of DFKI can …

  5. Sharing language data – but how? MLT at the third "Swahili Workshop on Data Repositories" organized by GIZ

    Sharing language data – but how? MLT at the third "Swahili Workshop on Data Repositories" organized by GIZ

    On 28 July 2021, Andrea Lösch and Thierry Declerck from the research group "Multilinguality and Speech Technology" were invited to give a talk …

  6. Out of the kit: DFKI and the University of Bremen develop modular functional units for reconfigurable space systems

    Out of the kit: DFKI and the University of Bremen develop modular functional units for reconfigurable space systems

    In space, autonomous robots are supposed to fulfil diverse tasks. In order to meet the respective requirements, existing systems are strongly ...

  7. First joint Inria-DFKI Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – IDESSAI 2021

    First joint Inria-DFKI Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – IDESSAI 2021

    Trustworthy AI and AI for medicine were the two thematic pillars of the first joint summer school of the French national research institute for ...

  8. From basic research to market readiness – DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen develops innovative AI technologies in GAIA-X

    From basic research to market readiness – DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen develops innovative AI technologies in GAIA-X

    An ecosystem based on the values of Europe for the secure, sovereign and manufacturer-independent exchange of data – that is the goal of the …

  9. Sketchnotes zeichnen zu KI – Workshops für Schüler*innen in Bremen

    Sketchnotes zeichnen zu KI – Workshops für Schüler*innen in Bremen

    Das Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen veranstaltet auch in diesem Jahr ein Sommerferienprogramm für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Die Schwerpunkte des ...

  10. Professor Drechsler für herausragende Promotionsbetreuung ausgezeichnet

    Professor Drechsler für herausragende Promotionsbetreuung ausgezeichnet

    Bereits zum zweiten Mal hat die Universität Bremen herausragende Promotionsbetreuungen ausgezeichnet und zwei erste Preise verliehen. Einer davon …