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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 52.
  1. Zukunft der Landwirtschaft:  Autonome Maschinen mit großem Potenzial, Digitalisierung mit Hindernissen

    Zukunft der Landwirtschaft:  Autonome Maschinen mit großem Potenzial, Digitalisierung mit Hindernissen

    Nach fünf Jahren neigt sich das Projekt Zukunftslabor Agrar (ZLA) dem Ende zu. Forschungseinrichtungen aus Niedersachsen, darunter das DFKI, ...

  2. Project Minodu: Sustainable land management in Kara, Togo

    Project Minodu: Sustainable land management in Kara, Togo

    The aim of the Minodu project is to close the gap between existing scientific concepts for sustainable land management and concrete, regionally ...

  3. Prozessoptimierung und Wertschöpfung mit KI – Offene Jahrestagung des DFKI-Projektes CITAH in Osnabrück

    Prozessoptimierung und Wertschöpfung mit KI – Offene Jahrestagung des DFKI-Projektes CITAH in Osnabrück

    Die digitale Transformation und die Rolle von Künstlicher Intelligenz für mittelständische Unternehmen stehen im thematischen Mittelpunkt der ...

  4. Federal Minister Volker Wissing visits DFKI

    Federal Minister Volker Wissing visits DFKI

    The effective transfer of research results into practice was the focus of the visit by Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and ...

  5. Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    The Plan-Based Robot Control research department, which is located at the Lower Saxony site of the German Research Center for Artificial …

  6. Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be presenting new technologies for agriculture in three exhibit halls at the …

  7. Digitaltalk Niedersachsen: Sustainability for agriculture, water management and production

    Digitaltalk Niedersachsen: Sustainability for agriculture, water management and production

    What contribution can digital innovations make to sustainability in agriculture, production and water management? This will be the topic at the ...

  8. Digital Summit 2023: DFKI showcases robot-assisted rehabilitation and a virtual breeding garden at the Market of Digital Possibilities

    Digital Summit 2023: DFKI showcases robot-assisted rehabilitation and a virtual breeding garden at the Market of Digital Possibilities

    Under the title "Digital Transformation in Times of Change. Sustainable. Resilient. Future-oriented.", the annual Digital Summit (Digital-Gipfel) …

  9. DFKI auf der AGRITECHNICA 2023

    DFKI auf der AGRITECHNICA 2023

    Der Forschungsbereich „Planbasierte Robotersteuerung“ des DFKI Niedersachsen präsentiert sich vom 12. bis 18. November 2023 auf der AGRITECHNICA, …

  10. Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    The IEEE/CVF International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV) is the most important international event on computer vision.