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News Overview

Displaying results 21 to 30 of 208.
  1. Project closing event in Berlin of SPAICER - Scalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization

    Project closing event in Berlin of SPAICER - Scalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization

    After three years, SPAICER will celebrate its successful conclusion with an event on June 23, 2023 at Spreespeicher in Berlin. The research …

  2. Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    This question will be answered by an event hosted by the European research network HumanE-AI-Net on May 25, 2023, at the European Parliament in ...

  3. Schnelle Suche in unstrukturierten Daten – Best Long Paper für DFKI-Forschende bei der BTW’23

    Schnelle Suche in unstrukturierten Daten – Best Long Paper für DFKI-Forschende bei der BTW’23

    Im Rahmen der 20. BTW’23 wurde das Paper „WannaDB: Ad-hoc SQL Queries over Text Collections“ von Benjamin Hättasch, Jan-Micha Bodensohn, Liane …

  4. DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    Synthetic data for environmental protection, AI methods for the resilient and crisis-resistant manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic ...

  5. DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    Synthetic data for environmental protection, AI methods for the resilient and crisis-resistant manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic ...

  6. Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute in Berlin den Green-AI Hub Mittelstand eröffnet. Die Initiative des Bundesumweltministeriums zeigt, …

  7. Meilenstein für die Digitalisierung von Wohnimmobilien

    Meilenstein für die Digitalisierung von Wohnimmobilien

    • Künstliche Intelligenz und geteilte Datenräume als Grundlage für ein herstellerübergreifendes und an Nachhaltigkeit ausgerichtetes ...

  8. Neuro-mechanistic modeling combines data-driven models with domain knowledge

    Neuro-mechanistic modeling combines data-driven models with domain knowledge

    Double interview with Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf and Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger

  9. DFKI and partners launch CITAH - Weser-Ems region becomes European innovation hub for SMEs

    DFKI and partners launch CITAH - Weser-Ems region becomes European innovation hub for SMEs

    With the initiative CITAH, "Cross-Industry Transformation in Agriculture and Health", funded by the EU and the state of Lower Saxony with 4.9 …

  10. CARVE-DL - Artificial Intelligence for Combating Crime

    CARVE-DL - Artificial Intelligence for Combating Crime

    New project aims to improve and speed up the processing, analysis and recovery of crime-fighting data.